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Industrial Revolution Part One What Came Before

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1 Industrial Revolution Part One What Came Before

2 What was Before The Domestic System
All the people involved in the production lived in one house or cottage. A master, journeymen, and apprentices would live and work together Blacksmiths Shoemakers Glassblowers etc. All industries were “Cottage Industries”

3 The Wool Industry The Wool industry had many steps between each of which a merchant bought and sold the wool adding cost. (see chart on the overhead) Only Fulling was done by machine. England produces more wool than it can process by hand It exports wool to Flanders to be spun and woven…adding transportation and tax costs

4 Textiles Lead the Way Textiles Industrialized Early because…
People want clothes so… Textiles are a high demand industry with a high profit potential If the wool could made into cloth in England great profits are possible Machines can make this possible! And there are wealthy farmers with money to invest!

5 The Agricultural Revolution
During the 1700’s Farming changed Jethro Tull invented the Seed Drill, a machine that automatically planted seeds quickly with less waste The Automatic Reaper sped up harvesting Crop Rotation improved yield With these improvements land owners could produce more food with fewer farmers

6 Enclosure In the mid-1700’s English land owners began to kick unneeded peasant farmers of their land Parliament passed the Enclosure Laws to make it easier to do so. Now the land owners could make more profit. They became wealthy farmers with money to spend and invest! The peasants became unemployed and moved to the city to get work

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