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Journal of the Geological Society

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1 Journal of the Geological Society
The Emu Bay Shale Konservat-Lagerstätte: a view of Cambrian life from East Gondwana by John R. Paterson, Diego C. García-Bellido, James B. Jago, James G. Gehling, Michael S.Y. Lee, and Gregory D. Edgecombe Journal of the Geological Society Volume 173(1):1-11 January 6, 2016 © 2016 The Author(s)‏

2 Geology of the area to the east of Emu Bay on the NE coast of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, showing the extent of the Emu Bay Shale at Big Gully, including the location of the main Konservat-Lagerstätte sites on the shoreline and at Buck Quarry (after Gehling et al. 2011). Geology of the area to the east of Emu Bay on the NE coast of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, showing the extent of the Emu Bay Shale at Big Gully, including the location of the main Konservat-Lagerstätte sites on the shoreline and at Buck Quarry (after Gehling et al. 2011). John R. Paterson et al. Journal of the Geological Society 2016;173:1-11 © 2016 The Author(s)‏

3 (a) Reconstruction of Nesonektris aldridgei; by Katrina Kenny.
(a) Reconstruction of Nesonektris aldridgei; by Katrina Kenny. (b) Axial rod structure of N. aldridgei (SAM P46336a) interpreted as a putative notochord, with arrows showing offset blocks. (c) Phylogenetic position of vetulicolians within Deuterostomia, based on the analysis by García-Bellido et al. (2014); parsimony-bootstrap values (above branches) and Bremer support (below) are shown for analyses including/excluding the non-vetulicolian fossil taxa. John R. Paterson et al. Journal of the Geological Society 2016;173:1-11 © 2016 The Author(s)‏

4 Emu Bay Shale arthropods.
Emu Bay Shale arthropods. (a) Redlichia takooensis (left, SAM P52235) and Estaingia bilobata (right, SAM P52236). (b) Kangacaris zhangi (SAM P45179b). (c) Australimicola spriggi (SAM P44482a). (d) New cheliceriform arthropod (SAM P45427). (e) Squamacula buckorum (SAM P15347a). (f) Tanglangia rangatanga (SAM P46331a, mirrored). (g) Oestokerkus megacholix (SAM P43631a, mirrored). (h) Isoxys communis (SAM P47179a). (i) Tuzoia australis (SAM P47994a). (j, k) Anomalocaris cf. canadensis (SAM P51398a); (j) pair of frontal appendages and oral cone; (k) detail of ventral spine. Scale bars: (a–f) 5 mm; (g–j) 10 mm; (k) 3 mm. All photos in Figures 2–6 taken with Canon EOS 50D, under natural or tungsten light from NE and NW at low angle. Illustrations composed and processed, for fine-tune light intensity across figures, with Adobe Photoshop CS3. John R. Paterson et al. Journal of the Geological Society 2016;173:1-11 © 2016 The Author(s)‏

5 (a, b) Compound eyes of an unknown arthropod showing large central ommatidial lenses forming a light-sensitive bright zone or fovea (f), and a sclerotized pedestal (p); (a) SAM P43629a; (b) SAM P43687. (a, b) Compound eyes of an unknown arthropod showing large central ommatidial lenses forming a light-sensitive bright zone or fovea (f), and a sclerotized pedestal (p); (a) SAM P43629a; (b) SAM P (c, d) Compound eye of Anomalocaris; (c) part (SAM P45920a), showing visual surface (vs) and eye stalk (es), with the boundary indicated by white arrows; us, undetermined structure; (d) counterpart (SAM P45920b) showing details of ommatidial lenses. John R. Paterson et al. Journal of the Geological Society 2016;173:1-11 © 2016 The Author(s)‏

6 (a, b) Luolishaniid lobopodian; (a) part (SAM P14848a); (b) counterpart showing detail of claw (SAM P14848b). (a, b) Luolishaniid lobopodian; (a) part (SAM P14848a); (b) counterpart showing detail of claw (SAM P14848b). (c) Myoscolex ateles (SAM P47027a). (d) Wronascolex antiquus (SAM P45224a). (e) Polychaete annelid (SAM P46333a). Scale bars: (a, c, e) 5 mm; (b) 500 µm; (d) 20 mm. John R. Paterson et al. Journal of the Geological Society 2016;173:1-11 © 2016 The Author(s)‏

7 (a) Botsfordiid brachiopod (SAM P44242a).
(a) Botsfordiid brachiopod (SAM P44242a). (b) Ribbed hyolith mollusc (SAM P14805a). (c) Vetustovermis planus (SAM P46982b). (d) Chancelloriid (SAM P51310a). (e) Leptomitid sponge (SAM P45545a). (f) Hamptoniid sponge (SAM P45915). (g) Rotadiscid (SAM P45196). (h) ‘Petalloid’ (SAM P45583). Scale bars: (a) 3 mm; (b, f–h) 5 mm; (c–e) 10 mm. John R. Paterson et al. Journal of the Geological Society 2016;173:1-11 © 2016 The Author(s)‏

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