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Serous Okapis By Annabel May 7,2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Serous Okapis By Annabel May 7,2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serous Okapis By Annabel May 7,2018

2 Okapis Behavior Male okapis fight other males with their horns.
Okapis are normally calm. When they are angry they kick and butt with their heads.

3 Okapi Appearance Okapis look like zebras at the end, but in their front they look like a horse. The Okapi’s head looks like a giraffe. They are about 4-5 feet high.

4 What do okapis eat? Okapis eat leaves, grass, ferns, and fruit.
The Okapi is heard to be eating over 100 species of plants.

5 Okapis Enemies King Cheetah Lepers Other forest cats Humans

6 Facts about Okapis A okapi can be called African Unicorn.
That’s why they said it’s a myth.

7 Bibliography Gutfeun D, Geraldine M. Animals Have Cousins Too. New York: Print.

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