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Rhetoric Power of Words Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhetoric Power of Words Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhetoric Power of Words Unit

2 What is it? the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques to make your writing stronger

3 How is it used? Here comes Westport's own Helen of Troy.
This is an allusion to Greek mythology. Helen of Troy was considered the most beautiful woman in the world and the Trojan War began when the prince of Troy kidnapped her. By using an allusion here you strengthen your point and force the reader think and make connections.

4 Rhetorical Question Let's say a person gets on your nerves, you start feeling irritated, and you say, “Why don’t you leave me alone?” By posing such a question, you do not ask for a reason. Instead, you simply want him to stop irritating you.

5 Rhetorical Devices Alliteration - the repetition of initial consonant sounds - rubber baby buggy bumpers Allusion - a reference to an event, literary work or person - I can’t do that because I am not Superman. Analogy - compares two different things that have some similar characteristics - He is flaky as a snowstorm. Hyperbole - an exaggeration - I have done this a thousand times.

6 Rhetorical Devices Metaphor - compares two things by stating one is the other - The eyes are the windows of the soul. Onomatopoeia - words that imitate the sound they describe - plunk, whiz, pop Oxymoron - a two word paradox - near miss, seriously funny Parallelism - uses words or phrases with a similar structure - I went to the store, parked the car and bought a pizza.

7 Rhetorical Devices Simile - compares one object to another - He smokes like a chimney. Understatement - makes an idea less important that it really is - The hurricane disrupted traffic.

8 Summation Simply put, rhetoric is the art of writing. Using various techniques can improve your ability to convey your message. Rhetorical devices can: Help make important points stand out Add humor to your writing Make your reader see things in a different way

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