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Published byColten Bolus Modified over 10 years ago
O peration Smile advocates a multidisciplinary approach to addressing the complex physical, psychological, and social impacts of cleft lips and palates. Our medical missions mobilize global teams of volunteers from several medical and non-medical disciplines, including surgery, anesthesia, pediatrics, dental, speech, and child life. T EAM P RINCIPLES Our commitment to promoting self-sustainability is demonstrated through partnerships with local, in-country staff during our international missions and unique educational rotations. Hands-on clinical training and education is tailored to the needs of local healthcare professionals. Team members provide comprehensive quality healthcare through upholding Operation Smiles Global Standards of Care. These outline our commitment to ensuring every patient benefits from a highly-trained, fully credentialed medical staff knowledgeable on medical protocol, recommended treatments and procedures, and equipment standards.
C ORE T EAM M EMBERS Operating Room Nurse Anesthesiologist Child Life Specialist Dentist Translator SpeechPathologist Paper Medical Records Electronic Medical Records BiomedicalTechnician ProgramCoordinator Pre/PostNurse RecoveryNurse ClinicalCoordinator PlasticSurgeon Student Patient Imaging Technician Pediatrician
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT A NESTHESIOLOGIST Screening Screening Hospital Setup Hospital Setup Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING Anesthesiologists manage the safe administration of anesthetics during surgery. During screening, anesthesiologists evaluate potential surgical candidates to ensure they can securely be put under anesthesia. They provide a safe, standardized delivery of general and/or local anesthesia during surgery. They ensure the patient is awake, extubated, and ready for transport before sending them to the Recovery Room. They are familiar with all emergency procedures, and have current Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification. JOB DESCRIPTION
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Biomedical Technicians are responsible for ensuring the safe use of equipment by each medical specialty. They supervise the unpacking of equipment and supplies, oversee hospital set-up, repair any broken or damaged equipment, and check the electrical system at the hospital for adaptability. They also monitor the level of consumable supplies and oxygen, obtaining additional resources as needed. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Hospital Setup Hospital Setup Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING B IOMEDICAL TECHNICIAN
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Child Life Specialists evaluate the psychosocial needs of children and adolescents with facial deformities and their families. They assist the patients with adapting and coping with health care encounters by structuring a program of therapeutic play and activities, they work with parents using knowledge of child development to enhance the hospital environment, and they act as the child's and the family's advocate in the often confusing world of the hospital. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING C HILD L IFE S PECIALIST
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Screening Screening Hospital Setup Hospital Setup Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING Clinical Coordinators are responsible for overseeing all nursing staff and other mission personnel to ensure smooth screening and surgery week. During screening, they ensure each station is prepared with the necessary equipment. They work with team leaders of each specialty to create the surgery schedule for the week. After assisting with hospital setup, they coordinate the safe, efficient completion of each day of surgery week. JOB DESCRIPTION C LINICAL C OORDINATOR
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Dentists provide comprehensive dental evaluations and, if recommended, treatment during surgery or at a dental clinic. They improve intra-oral function on the mission by excellent treatment planning and appropriate tooth extractions, using knowledge of growth, development, and space considerations. They construct obturators (dental appliances) for those patients for whom cleft palate closure cannot be performed either due to the medical or anatomic considerations, as well as obturators to be used as partial dentures to supply teeth for chewing, improve aesthetics and to facilitate normal speech. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week Post Operative Post Operative Evaluations Evaluations PARTICIPATESDURING D ENTIST
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Electronic Medical Records (EMR) volunteers are responsible for entering patient information into a database to allow for management of the surgery schedule, patient lists, and generating accurate reports and statistics. The data entered also supports research initiatives, post operative surgical evaluations, and patient follow up. EMR volunteers work closely with the paper medical record volunteers and the rest of the team to provide proper documentation of patient care. Information must be entered in a timely manner in order to provide the appropriate tools for the mission. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING E LECTRONIC M EDICAL R ECORDS
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Operating Room (OR) Nurses provide optimum care for patients in a safe surgical environment. Some of the OR nurses will assist with unpacking supplies and setup of the ORs. They ensure the correct patient is in the OR by checking the schedule and the medical record chart. They review any allergies and other relevant health information before the surgery begins. They troubleshoot issues in the operating room regarding supplies, personnel and safety, as well as assist the anesthesiogist and surgeon with specific tasks including prepping the patient, accounting for supplies such as instruments and throat packs, and assist with cleanup after the surgery ends. JOB DESCRIPTION O PERATING R OOM N URSE Hospital Setup Hospital Setup Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING Paper Medical Records volunteers collect patient information and assist with the many administrative and organizational needs of the medical specialties on a mission. As one of the few non-medical positions, medical records volunteers have the responsibility of ensuring accurate, thorough record keeping, as well as providing our medical staff with the necessary tools for comprehensive documentation of patient care. JOB DESCRIPTION P APER M EDICAL R ECORDS
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Patient Imaging Technicians are trained, technical photographers who collect detailed, standardized pre and post surgical images that are used to evaluate the health condition of the patient, assess the performance of the medical volunteers, measure the short and long term surgical outcomes, and gather important data to conduct research. Photos are taken during screening, before and after surgery, and at one week, six month, and one year intervals. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week Post Operative Post Operative Evaluations Evaluations PARTICIPATESDURING P ATIENT I MAGING T ECHNICIAN
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Pediatricians provide full pediatric specialty expertise throughout the mission. They examine all potential surgery patients during screening, providing a complete physical examination, and make note of any medical conditions affecting their eligibility for surgery. Throughout surgery week, Pediatricians manage the Pre and Post Operative wards, as well as the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (Recovery ward). They monitor patients before and after surgery, giving orders for laboratory tests, medications, and other treatment as needed. Pediatricians sign off on the patients discharge from the hospital. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING P EDIATRICIAN
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Plastic Surgeons provide reconstructive surgical care to eligible Operation Smile patients. During screening, Plastic Surgeons provide a complete patient diagnosis, determine the surgical eligibility and mission priority for each potential patient, as well as clarify and review all of the medical risks in the consent form. They assist with setup for the Operating Rooms before surgery week. Using a set of criteria and guidelines for successful outcomes provided by Operation Smile, Plastic Surgeons will repair cleft lips, cleft palates, noses, fistulas, and other conditions appropriate for the mission objectives. Plastic Surgeons who participate during Post Operative Evaluations assess the success of the surgery using strict medical and aesthetic parameters. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Hospital Setup Hospital Setup Surgery Week Surgery Week Post Operative Post Operative Evaluations Evaluations PARTICIPATESDURING P LASTIC S URGEON
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Pre/Post Nurses are responsible for creating a safe and efficient pre and post operative environment. During screening, these nurses will usually staff the vitals station, documenting information such as weight and height for each patient. They help set up the pre and post operative care units before surgery week. When a patient is admitted the night before surgery, Pre Op Nurses monitor, evaluate, and provide treatment as needed. They ensure the patient has not eaten or drank before surgery, and are seen by the pediatrician. Post Op nurses will maintain an ongoing assessment of post surgery vitals, administering medication or treatment as indicated in the Post Operative Orders. They will supervise the discharge of patients from the hospital, providing necessary education or care instructions. JOB DESCRIPTION P RE /P OST N URSE Screening Screening Hospital Setup Hospital Setup Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Program Coordinators (PCs) work in cooperation with Operation Smile mission and resource countries to recruit international and in-country volunteers. PCs are responsible for coordinating all logistics related to the mission, including booking travel, arranging for visa processing, and confirming that all team members have lodging, food, water, and transportation. Prior to the start of screening and throughout surgery week, PC are in constant communication with the local hospital staff and the Team Leaders to ensure that the Medical Policies and Procedures and Global Standards of Care are being followed. PCs are also responsible for organizing one week post-operative clinics as well as compiling and distributing the data that is collected on our medical missions. JOB DESCRIPTION P ROGRAM C OORDINATOR Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week Post Operative Post Operative Evaluations Evaluations PARTICIPATESDURING LOGISTICS Operation Smile Mission
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Recovery Room Nurses are nurses experienced in airway and pain management who provide patient care during post-surgical recovery from anesthesia. They organize and set up the Post Anesthesia Care Unit, checking the equipment for proper function to create a safe environment for patients to emerge from anesthesia and surgery. They closely observe any difficulties or complications and provide treatment accordingly. They are aware of all emergency protocol, and have current Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification. JOB DESCRIPTION R ECOVERY R OOM N URSE Hospital Setup Hospital Setup Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Speech Language Pathologists address speech, language, feeding, hearing, and related issues during the mission. They administer a comprehensive speech-language evaluation and intervention in people with a history of clefts/craniofacial anomalies (to the extent possible given the site and resources), rapidly determine the level of communicative and oral/motor functioning (including feeding) for the patient, and provide individualized instructions for a follow-up program, additional evaluation, therapy, and patient/family education and training. JOB DESCRIPTION S PEECH L ANGUAGE P ATHOLOGIST Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week Post Operative Post Operative Evaluations Evaluations PARTICIPATESDURING
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Students are team members who have participated in their local Operation Smile club and attended a Mission Training Workshop. During the mission, their role is to educate patients and parents on various health topics using prepared skits and activities, accompanied by an adult Student Sponsor. They create poster presentations on topics such as oral hygiene, hydration, and nutrition. They also document the mission through videos and photos, compiling these into a mission story within two weeks after the mission. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week PARTICIPATESDURING S TUDENT
NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Translators are tasked with providing clear communication and accurate translation between the medical team and the patient. They must be familiar with the relevant forms and policies that will be used during the mission. During screening, translators review the consent form with the patient, and are at each screening station as needed to assist each specialty with proper translation of medical terminology. They are present throughout surgery week to explain the process to the patient and facilitate communication between team members of different languages. JOB DESCRIPTION Screening Screening Surgery Week Surgery Week Post Operative Post Operative Evaluations Evaluations PARTICIPATESDURING T RANSLATOR
O THER P OTENTIAL T EAM M EMBERS STUDENT SPONSORS: STUDENT SPONSORS: Adult supervisors of the student volunteers OBSERVERS: OBSERVERS: Medical team members (usually surgeons) who are not fully credentialed and are there to observe and learn RESIDENTS: RESIDENTS: Surgeons or anesthesiologists, also observing and learning ORTHODONTISTS: ORTHODONTISTS: Provide additional dental treatment PSYCHOLOGISTS: PSYCHOLOGISTS: Specializing in children, works with patients and families on counseling GUEST PARTICIPANTS: GUEST PARTICIPANTS: Team members who support and observe the work of Operation Smile RESEARCHERS/GENETICISTS: RESEARCHERS/GENETICISTS: Collect DNA samples from patients for research PHOTOGRAPHERS/VIDEOGRAPHERS PHOTOGRAPHERS/VIDEOGRAPHERS : Media participants who document the mission STUDENT SPONSORS: STUDENT SPONSORS: Adult supervisors of the student volunteers OBSERVERS: OBSERVERS: Medical team members (usually surgeons) who are not fully credentialed and are there to observe and learn RESIDENTS: RESIDENTS: Surgeons or anesthesiologists, also observing and learning ORTHODONTISTS: ORTHODONTISTS: Provide additional dental treatment PSYCHOLOGISTS: PSYCHOLOGISTS: Specializing in children, works with patients and families on counseling GUEST PARTICIPANTS: GUEST PARTICIPANTS: Team members who support and observe the work of Operation Smile RESEARCHERS/GENETICISTS: RESEARCHERS/GENETICISTS: Collect DNA samples from patients for research PHOTOGRAPHERS/VIDEOGRAPHERS PHOTOGRAPHERS/VIDEOGRAPHERS : Media participants who document the mission
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