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Region 6 in 2019 Keith Moore R6 Director 2019.

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1 Region 6 in 2019 Keith Moore R6 Director 2019

2 Goals and Objectives for 2019
1.  One week reimbursement for student expense reports 2.  One month reimbursement for other expense reports 3.  Modify the audit requirements for Regions so as not to delay funds disbursement 4.  Continuation of PACE projects 5.  Unification of Web Site and Social Media presence for the region 6.  Establish closer relationships with all contiguous IEEE Regions 7. Cater to students and build on lessons learned from Future Leaders and SE Con 8.  Make a searchable repository for Technical Presentations 9.  Region and area meetings joint with technical meetings and conferences or with other events of interest 10. Meetings more fun - incorporate exciting tech demos, themed meetings 11.  Manage and publish a running list of volunteer and micro-volunteer opportunities 12. Member Development recognizes new members at meetings, especially new professional members that have transitioned from students 13.  MOVE interest is significant in R6 according to our recent survey

3 Other Ideas Establish and announce standing policy that R6 will reimburse any volunteer for IEEE business cards up to $10 per year.  This seems to be accepted, but there are many volunteer officers who may not know There was a funded effort to provide YPs paid access to Xplore for their first 5? downloads.  What was the result of this initiative?  Can we duplicate it and fund it for R6? Each Region Officer has a repository on IEEE/Google Docs that the officer maintains and hands off to their successor.

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