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Horizontal Projectiles

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1 Horizontal Projectiles
Physics Mr. Berman

2 Horizontal Projectiles are launched with a horizontal initial velocity.

3 Horizontal Projectiles

4 Remember “Boat and River”

5 Motion in Two Dimensions

6 A horizontal projectile from the same height
Which falls first? A free falling object Or A horizontal projectile from the same height

7 A horizontal projectile
Which falls first? A horizontal projectile Or A horizontal projectile from the same height with a higher initial horizontal speed

8 Question A zoologist is aiming at a monkey with a tranquilizer gun. Both are at the same level. The monkey is about to jump. Should the zoologist aim horizontally or low in order to tranquilize the monkey?

9 Horizontal Projectiles
Two dimensional motion Initial velocity is entirely horizontal X-axis : constant velocity Y-axis : constant acceleration

10 A Look at the Velocities
Vx= constant Vyi=0 Vy = a t

11 Animation

12 Characteristics of Path
Trajectory Parabola Range

13 Equations for Horizontal Projectiles
x direction: use any equation for const. velocity motion y direction: use any equation for const acceleration x=vx t ____ y= 1 at  t= √2y/a 2 vY=at

14 Example 1 A cannon ball is fired horizontally from the top of a 90 m tall cliff with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. How long did the ball take to reach the ground? What was the range? What was the x and y-velocity of the ball right before it hit the ground? Answer: a)4.3sec , b) 85.7m c) Vx= 20m/s Vy=42m/s 6.32sec m Vx= 20m/s Vy=63.2m/s

15 Example 2 A diver dives horizontally out from a 9 m
platform with a velocity of 3m/s. How far out did he dive (range)? Answer: t=1.35s, x= 4m T=1.34s x= 2.68m

16 Projectile Applet

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