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The HIE-ISOLDE Design Study and the CATHI Fellow Participation

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Presentation on theme: "The HIE-ISOLDE Design Study and the CATHI Fellow Participation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The HIE-ISOLDE Design Study and the CATHI Fellow Participation
Richard Catherall EN-STI ISOLDE Technical Coordinator CATHI Fellowship Mid Term Review 26th September 2012 CERN

2 The ISOLDE facility Mini Ball Class A Lab. Hot Cell Robots
Target stations HRS & GPS Mass-sep. HRS PS-Booster 1.4 GeV protons 3×1013 ppp at 0,4 Hz REX-ISOLDE Trap & EBIS LINAC ISCOOL RILIS Control Room Mini Ball 2

3 CERN accelerator complex

4 On-Line Isotope Mass Separator
Spallation Fission 1.4GeV p Fragmentation

5 The ISOLDE Machine

6 Physics at Isolde Particle and Astrophysics Solid state physics 13%
22% Biology/Medicine 4% Atomic Physics 15% Weak Interaction and Nuclear Physics 46% Courtesy M. Lindroos

7 Linac 4 Intensity (p/p) Intensity (uA) Energy (GeV) Cycle (s)
Power (kW) 3 X 1013 2 1.4 1.2 2.8 6 x 1013 4 5.6 5.3 0.9 7.5 8 10.7

8 Deliverable – Final Design Study Report
Intensity Upgrade Beam Quality Upgrade Ventilation issues Vacuum issues Targets Fluka simulations Target design Materials Front End Mechanics Optics HV systems High resolution magnet RFQ Cooler REXEBIS upgrade Off-line separator Pre-mass separator Deliverable – Final Design Study Report Identify priorities and plan their implementation as a function of overall schedule and the existing facility Assess the implications of any modifications in terms of resources, infrastructure and planning. Address the issues and provide acceptable solutions in the form of conceptual designs and reports. Extrapolate these issues as a function of proton intensity increase and secondary beam requirements. Through previous experiences and collaborations, identify the issues associated with the existing facilities.

9 Ventilation Issues To address the ventilation issues with the aim of reducing the amount of ionized air released to the atmosphere. Approach: Separate the ventilation system of the target area from that of the Class A laboratories with the inclusion of an air tight lock WP 6.2 CATHI Fellow ESR 13: Andrea Polato

10 Vacuum Issues For the Design Study, optimize the vacuum systems in view of minimizing interventions and radiological hazards Approach: Less pumping volume Deported vacuum systems The use of dry pumps WP 6.4 Vacuum CATHI Fellow ESR 14: Mario Hermann Also involved in the beam quality upgrade within the design study

11 Target Material Assess the impact of an increase in p-beam energy and intensity on specific target materials Irradiation of samples followed by detailed analysis CATHI Fellow ESR8 Michal Czapski WP number: Target Materials

12 Target Design Assess the thermo-mechanical properties of the target with an increase in deposited energy. Simulations and tests of different designs CATHI Fellow ESR 9: Serena Cimmino WP: Target Design

13 Target Design (shielding)
Improve the overall shielding of the target area with respect to an increase in p-beam parameters. Fluka simulations on targets. Simulations on various design scenarios with a goal to reducing both radiation levels and air activation WP Target Design CATHI Fellow ESR 10 Leonel Morejon Hernandez

14 Target Design (optics)
Review the target design in view of minimizing interventions and failure due to radiological issues Extraction electrode issues (optics) WP Front End optics CATHI Fellow ESR: Jacobo Montano Carrizales Also working on Front End design and off-line separator

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