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Presentation for DSA Scotland meeting 1 June 2018

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1 Presentation for DSA Scotland meeting 1 June 2018
The Future of Aid

2 International context (1)
New donors coming into the field – soft power? Multilateralism/development cooperation on wane? Migration Polarisation? G7 2018:Investing in Growth that works for everyone

3 OECD/DAC/ODA Average 3.1% of GNI, down from 3.2%
Germany has slipped back

4 Humanitarian aid was USD 15. 5 billion in 2017, and rose by 6
Humanitarian aid was USD 15.5 billion in 2017, and rose by 6.1% in real terms compared to DAC countries’ efforts to deal with the influx of refugees and humanitarian aid, which are both measures to deal with short-term emergency situations rather than longer-term economic development, has risen from an average of 16% of bilateral ODA between 2010 to 2014 to an average of 28% between 2015 and 2017

5 International context (2)
Beneficiaries/recipients of aid/affected populations ODA represents c. 70% of least developed countries’ total external finance

6 National Context (1) ODA
UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) is increasingly being spent by departments other than DFID, including through cross-government funds which pair development objectives with other national interest objectives such as security and trade. How does this fit with DFID’s role in overseeing UK ODA? How can DFID maintain a cross-government focus on poverty reduction and how can it promote high standards of transparency in ODA across Whitehall? IDC Report due for publication 4 June 2018

7 Power of the press in politics:eg Yegna
National Context (2) Power of the press in politics:eg Yegna More than just a band, Yegna, which means “ours” in Amharic, use music and drama to raise awareness of child marriage, sexual harassment, violence and the importance of education. And it’s making a difference. An estimated 8.5 million people have heard the band’s messages.

8 National context (3) Safeguarding scandals
The Times Tuesday 29 May 2018: “Leaked report highlights decades of failures” Ruth Davidson MSP to meeting of Scottish INGOs “yes of course I support you, but you are making our job more difficult.”

9 Role of INGO’s: internationals versus locals, The Grand Bargain
National context (4) Role of INGO’s: internationals versus locals, The Grand Bargain Brexit / Immigration narrative / Daily Express campaigns / GDPR / Gagging clauses

10 Repositioning now needed. Use the universalism of the SDGs
THE FUTURE OF AID? Repositioning now needed. Use the universalism of the SDGs Maturity now needed. Distinguish between compassion/humanitarianism and support for development Re-dedication needed. Use ‘Leave no-one behind’ Revolution needed, thanks to social media and education, in redefining ‘them’ and us’. These are essentials, not desirables, for 2030 and beyond.

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