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Quick FACTS Presentation

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1 Quick FACTS Presentation

2 Airport Overview 880 total acres of land (fenced)
9.2 miles of perimeter road 3 runways: 7L/25R – 10,500 feet long, primary runway 7R/25L – 3,195 feet long, general aviation runway 16/34 – 6,001 feet long, secondary runway FAA Class C National Airspace System classification 2nd busiest type of airspace by volume of traffic Terminal Radar Approach Control facility (TRACON) located on field Saturday, April 01, 2017

3 Airport Overview 3 fixed-based operators Many large flight schools
Yelvington Jet Aviation ATP Jet Center Sheltair Aviation Services Many large flight schools Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) Phoenix East Aviation 300+ flight training activities daily Saturday, April 01, 2017

4 Airport Overview Approximately 250,000 annual operations
Two air carriers Delta Air Lines US Airways Heavy traffic during races/special events 150,000 square foot domestic terminal 6 gates Saturday, April 01, 2017

5 14 CFR Part 139 Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations is known as the “Federal Aviation Regulations” Part 139 is titled “Certification of Airports” Airports that have airline service must meet its’ requirements Covers everything from emergency response to airfield pavement standards and wildlife control Airport inspected annually for compliance by FAA DAB is Class I, the highest level (designated by size of airline aircraft serving the airport) Saturday, April 01, 2017

6 14 CFR Part 139 Also lists standards for Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF), the airport firefighters Must reach the midpoint of the farthest runway within 3 minutes of initial notification 5 “indexes” based on length of largest air carrier aircraft serving the airport on an average of five times a day A, B, C, D, E Index refers to amount of AFFF, water, and dry chemical/Purple K the vehicle(s) must carry Saturday, April 01, 2017

7 Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF)
Based at the Daytona Beach International Airport VCFS Station 17 24/7 coverage Primary responsibility is aircraft emergencies Aid in terminal medical needs when able 4 vehicles Oshkosh Striker 3000 Oshkosh Striker 1500 2 E-One ARFF vehicles ARFF Index C classification Saturday, April 01, 2017

8 ARFF Index C Saturday, April 01, 2017

9 Airport Emergency Plan
Part 139 requires: Annual tabletop disaster drill with mutual aid departments to discuss emergency response Triennial full-scale practical disaster drill with actual participants, props, and response Next triennial is March 6, 2013 More information to come Allows all agencies to work together and understand their roles Saturday, April 01, 2017

10 Airport Coverage Airport Operations (staffing 0415-0015)
Responsible for entire airport Ensure safety and security of airfield Enforce regulations/rules/security Patrol perimeter Coordinate all airport needs/pop up items Respond to/coordinate emergencies Inspect airport surfaces/lighting Contact point for all airport tenants Duty phone: (386) Saturday, April 01, 2017

11 Airport Coverage Volusia County Sheriff’s Office Airport Unit
2 deputies on duty at the minimum 24/7 staffing Airport law enforcement resource Monitor security system/terminal Patrol airport Close airport terminal at night ( ) Duty phone: (386) Saturday, April 01, 2017

12 Airport Communications
The airport is controlled by the FAA Air Traffic Control Tower 24 hours a day. Tower frequency (120.7) is used by aircraft taking off or landing Ground frequency (121.9) is used by aircraft and vehicles going to or from runways Clearance delivery (119.3) is used by aircraft being given instrument or visual clearances out of the airport ATIS (120.05) is an automated weather broadcast Saturday, April 01, 2017

13 Airport Diagram Secondary runway (crosswind) You are here
7L/25R: Main air carrier runway VCFS Station 17 General aviation runway Saturday, April 01, 2017

14 Fire Station / ATC Tower ATP (FBO) 34
ERAU Sheltair (FBO) NASCAR Hangers 16 Int. Terminal (FIS) Terminal 7L 25R Yelvington (FBO) 25L 7R Fire Station / ATC Tower ATP (FBO) 34 Saturday, April 01, 2017

15 New ARFF Station Locations
Saturday, April 01, 2017

16 Airfield Familiarization
The Airport Operations Area (AOA) is divided into two separate areas: Movement Area: the areas of the airport that are used for the taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft. These areas consist of the runways and taxiways and are under the control of air traffic control. Non-Movement Area: these are all other areas of the airport. They include the aircraft parking ramps and Perimeter Road. Useful information for you to reference in an emergency. Saturday, April 01, 2017

17 Saturday, April 01, 2017

18 Non-Movement Area Boundary Markings
Non-Movement Area Boundary Markings delineate where the non-movement areas and the movement area (taxiways) meet. Movement area Non-movement area Saturday, April 01, 2017

19 Non-Movement Area Boundary Markings
Non-MVMT (Safe) Movement (DANGER) Saturday, April 01, 2017

20 Airfield Markings Runway markings are always WHITE in color.
To prevent confusion, only runways are painted with white markings. The markings on other surfaces are usually yellow. Saturday, April 01, 2017

21 Airfield Markings Taxiway markings are YELLOW in color.
There are four types of taxiway markings at Daytona Beach International Airport: Taxiway centerlines Enhanced taxiway centerlines Taxiway edges Dashed taxiway edges Saturday, April 01, 2017

22 Aircraft Emergencies Set sequence of events:
Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) receives notification from pilot and picks up “crash phone.” Live transmission on TAC1 800 MHz frequency. ARFF and Operations units proceed to standby positions. When aircraft lands, ARFF will inspect and clear. Operations units will follow aircraft to parking. Saturday, April 01, 2017

23 Alerts “Alert 2, Alert 2. Aircraft is a Cessna 172, ten miles from the airport with a rough running engine.” When ARFF units call into the airport ground frequency, they will be advised of souls onboard and fuel remaining. “Alert” = aircraft emergency situation Saturday, April 01, 2017

24 Requests for Assistance
Average 80 emergency requests for assistance a year from aircraft 90% of these general aviation (non-airline) Vast majority are non-events Occasional gear-up landing Rare fatal crashes Saturday, April 01, 2017

25 Alert Classifications
Alert 1 = possible emergency, not declared Alert 2 = declared aircraft emergency by pilot Alert 3 = aircraft crash A, B, or C designation given after each alert A is 1-9 passengers B is passengers C is 30 or more passengers Clearly, an Alert 3C is the most significant Different responses depending on type of alert Saturday, April 01, 2017

26 Emergency Response Alert 3C situation, heavy reliance upon mutual aid
Saving the most lives possible must be a team effort amongst all agencies VCFS/ARFF DBFD EVAC VCSO DBPD Airport Operations FBI, TSA, DHS Saturday, April 01, 2017

27 Saturday, April 01, 2017

28 Staging/Emergency Response
Gate M20 is located off Midway Avenue Primary mutual aid staging area In an emergency, airport personnel will direct you Never drive onto the airfield without explicit permission or without an escort The airport is not always closed in an emergency Aircraft ALWAYS have the right of way Saturday, April 01, 2017

29 Over head Secured photo
Gate M20, mutual aid staging area Saturday, April 01, 2017

30 Questions? John Murray Director of Public Safety Cell: (386) Airport Operations: (386) VCSO Airport Unit: (386) DAB ARFF: (386) DAB ATCT: (386) Saturday, April 01, 2017

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