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5.0 Management Responsibility

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1 5.0 Management Responsibility
Top management have a pivotal role here. They should: -. Show a commitment to the development and improvement of the quality system through leadership and active participation. Set policies and, to achieve these policies, set objectives through planning how the objectives will be met. Understand and meet the regulatory and legal requirements with respect to the products and services they supply. Internally communicate QMS policies, objectives and performance. Ensure personnel responsibility and authority are understood. Appoint a management representative to manage the quality system. Ensure that the quality system is regularly reviewed. 4.1 General requirements (Slide 1) In addition to the requirements to establish, document and maintain a quality management system (1994: 4.2), the requirement to continually improve is added. Also, it is the processes which now need to be identified and managed to ensure specified requirements are met.

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