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New bi-dimensional SPAD arrays for Time Resolved Single Photon Imaging

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1 New bi-dimensional SPAD arrays for Time Resolved Single Photon Imaging
R. Grassoa,c, S. Tudiscoa, C. Piemonteb, D. Lo Prestia,c A. Anzalonea, F. Musumecia,c, N.Randazzoa, A. Scordinoa,c, N. Serrab, N. Zorzib a INFN – Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and Sez. INFN, Via S. Sofia 62, 95125, Catania, Italy b FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via S. Croce 77, 38122, Trento, Italy c Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Catania University, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123, Catania, Italy The new SPAD array architecture The diodes are arranged in a n×n regular square grid (n=18), vertically crossed by n column buses and horizontally crossed by n row buses. Each diode cathode have two integrated quenching resistors, respectively connected to the row bus and to a column bus. The diode anodes are common. Example of juction scheme of SPAD device Prototype of SPAD array What is time resolved single photon imaging Read out electronics SPADs array Optical component Output signals Time trend decay of photons emitted by unit area and acquired by one pixel of SPADs array S. Tudisco et al., NIM A 610 (2009) 138; S.Tudisco, Advanced Photonic Sciences book, chap.12 pag. 303 Dr. Mohamed Fadhali (Ed.), Intch 2012

2 Static characteristics
Supply voltage = 15%OV RL=50Ω FWHM ~ 1 ns Rise time ~ 0.8 ns Output time response S. Tudisco et al., NIM A 610 (2009) 138. S.Tudisco, Advanced Photonic Sciences book, chap.12 pag. 303 Dr. Mohamed Fadhali (Ed.), Intch 2012 Static characteristics Reverse Forward Ron = 29.8 kΩ Rq = 18· Ron = kΩ linear fit VBR ~ 43.5 V Gain and avalanche charge Vs. bias reverse voltage Cout~ 80 fF VBR= 43.57V Timing resolution FWHM ~ 283 ps

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