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America at War Chapter 20, Section 3.

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1 America at War Chapter 20, Section 3

2 U.S. Enters Enter the war in April of 1917
In June, Wilson agrees to send a small expeditionary force to Europe It was led by General John J. Pershing

3 Preparing for Full War Pershing soon realized his 15,000 troops was way short, requested a million by 1918!! May 1917, Congress passes the Selective Service Act, authorizing a draft By 1918, over 24 million men had registered for the draft

4 American Expeditionary Force(AEF)
Name of U.S. forces in WWI led by Gen. Pershing Numbered close to 3 million Included women for nursing, driving, and clerk jobs

5 Convoy System How to get the troops “Over there”
In April of 1917 the U-boats had sunk 430 allied or neutral ships!! The convoy was troop ships surrounded by gunboats, torpedo boats, and destroyers

6 Soldiers in Europe Kept apart from the allied soldiers
White and black soldiers separated Harlem Hell Fighters- black infantry group that fought with France and received their highest honor

7 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
German peace with Lenin’s Russia. Signed on March 3, 1918 ***All German troops to the western front

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