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N* Production from J/ decays at BES

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1 N* Production from J/ decays at BES
Ji Xiaobin IHEP, Beijing (Representing BES Collaboration) Sep , 2004 QCD and Light Hadrons (Beijing, China)

2 Outline Introduction Baryon program at BES N* in the decay of
N* and * in the decay of and others Summary QCD and Light Hadrons

3 The Beijing Electron Positron Collider
L ~ ~51030 /cm2s at J/ peak Ecm~2-5 GeV QCD and Light Hadrons

4 BESII Detector VC: xy = 100 m TOF: T = 180 ps  counter: r= 3 cm
MDC: xy = m BSC: E/E= 22 % z = 5.5 cm dE/dx= 8.5 %  = 7.9 mr B field: T p/p=1.78%(1+p2) z = 3.1 cm QCD and Light Hadrons

5 Study of Excited Baryon States
Motivation Probe the internal structure of light quark baryons Search for missing baryons predicted by quark model Obtain a better understanding of the strong interaction force in the non-perturbative regime QCD and Light Hadrons

6 relatively large branching ratios (PDG2004)
J/ decays relatively large branching ratios (PDG2004) processes branching ratios(10-3) N* decays 1.10.1 6.00.5 2.00.1 2.10.2 0.90.4 1.30.3 QCD and Light Hadrons

7 Pure isospin 1/2 For and , N
Feynman diagram of the production of For and , N and N systems are limited to be pure isospin 1/2. QCD and Light Hadrons

8 from BES II data Events selection 2 good charged tracks Q1+Q2 = 0
|cos| < 0.8 PID: TOF and dE/dx Mp > 1.15 GeV 0.88<Mmiss<1.0 GeV QCD and Light Hadrons

9 Background Analysis Estimate the background from the fitting of the data The Monte Carlo of J/ inclusive decay is also used in the background analysis Background < 8% QCD and Light Hadrons

10 N* in ? L=0 limits it to be BES II Preliminary 3/2+ or 1/2+ N*(1520)
QCD and Light Hadrons

11 N* in Dalitz Plot: BES II Preliminary Acceptance and other
reasons make the plot asymmetry. QCD and Light Hadrons

12 N* in Fitting formular k : momentum of anti-neutron q : proton momentum in Mx frame BES II Preliminary QCD and Light Hadrons

13 N* in Preliminary results: Possible new N* resonance
L=0 limits it to be 3/2+ or 1/2+ Detailed information need PWA QCD and Light Hadrons

14 N* in BES II Preliminary BES II Preliminary QCD and Light Hadrons

15 from BES II data Events selection 4 good charged tracks
PID: kaon and at least 1 proton ID 2 (4C)<20 QCD and Light Hadrons

16 from BES II data BES II Preliminary
*(1520) *(1690) PS, eff. corrected (Arbitrary normalization) BES II Preliminary Two clear peaks at 1520, 1690 MeV/c2 in pK mass N* in K mass PWA is being performed QCD and Light Hadrons

17 from BES II data BES II Preliminary PWA is being performed
QCD and Light Hadrons

18 Summary BES II preliminary results: A possible “missing” N* is found
PWA to BESII 58M data is in progress Clear two peaks around 1520, 1690 in pK mass N* in K mass PWA is being performed Similar structure with PWA is in progress QCD and Light Hadrons

19 Thank You! QCD and Light Hadrons

20 “Missing” N* Problem Capstick et al.
QCD and Light Hadrons

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