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Find the Other Endpoint of a Segment

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1 Find the Other Endpoint of a Segment
Graph the points R(-1, 7) and M(2, 4) The midpoint of segment RP is M. One endpoint is R. Find the coordinates of the other endpoint, P. Plot P


3 Segment and Angle Bisectors

4 What does it mean to bisect something?
To cut or divide into two equal parts.

5 Bisecting a Segment The midpoint of a segment is the point that divides, or bisects, the segment into two congruent segments. A segment bisector is a segment, ray, line, or plane that intersects a segment at its midpoint

6 Bisecting an Angle An angle bisector is a ray that divides an angle into two adjacent angles that are congruent.

7 The ray FH bisects the ∠EFG
The ray FH bisects the ∠EFG. Given that the measure of ∠EFG = 120°, what are the measures of ∠EFH and ∠HFG? Example 1

8 Example 2 ∠CBA is bisected by ray BD. The measure of ∠DBA is 65°. Find m∠CBA.

9 Example 3 In the diagram, ray RQ bisects ∠PRS. The measures of the two congruent angles are (x+40)° and (3x – 20)°. Solve for x. (x + 40)° (3x – 20)°

10 Example 4 If AB bisects CD at point E, then find CE.

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