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Undulator Integration Test Status

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1 Undulator Integration Test Status
Geoff Pile (S.Milton)

2 Integrated System Engineering
What?-Why?-Who?-When? What is it? What is ISE? Good ISE The Rest Why are we doing it? Who is involved? When - are we doing it?

3 Integrated System Engineering
What is ISE? Integrated System Engineering is very similar to Integrated Safety Management (ISM has been mandated on LCLS by it’s management ) We all use ISM daily in one way or another Five core functions of ISM replaced by: Define the scope Analyze the work and the risks Develop/Implement controls to perform the work and mitigate the risks Perform the work Feedback and Improvement

4 Integrated System Engineering
Good ISE Line management responsibility for equipment Integration. Clear roles and responsibilities. Competence commensurate with responsibilities Balanced Priorities and schedules Identification of standards and requirements Hazard and Risk controls tailored to work being performed Operation Authorization.

5 Integrated System Engineering
The Rest Why - are we doing ISE? Helps prevent project failure Who - is involved? Most of ANL team & Many from SLAC and other labs. Brad Youngman (SLAC) and Geoff Pile (ANL), with everyone’s help, are developing the plans When - are we doing it? ASAP – CAMs already started. We have organized weekly (inter-lab) meetings until the end of the project. BY and GP have started teleconferencing between ANL & SLAC All APS/SLAC staff are invited to participate whenever they need/wish.

6 Integrated System Engineering
Design, Commissioning plan and Documentation Need to continue having good reviews of all of the above Expect to have better access to documentation at APS soon. Through new APS electronic document management system and dedicated ANL/LCLS webpages Need great QA for Engineering Excellence. (Oversight by Tom Barsz/ANL and Daren Marsh/SLAC)

7 Integrated System Engineering
An Example of the Objectives of a recent APS/Slac integration meeting 19th April 2005 Today’s objectives – ( purposely not too many) Primary Detail design as much as we can on (the integration of) the WPM and HLS with the undulator system. Discuss total alignment of undulator components with fiducials. including cam movers and controls integration. Examine undulator removal options Define the schedule for Slac to receive our prototype undulator- what, why, who, when and where?? Discuss SUT and MUT Secondary Define simple pros and cons of Girders versus 1.4 meter supports versus low level supports. Send Brad back with a list of Questions i.e. why can’t the normal tunnel heat loads be included from the start? E.g. lighting, quads and cam mover electronics.

8 Integrated System Tests at ANL

9 Outline Testing Scope and Deliverables
Single-Undulator Multi-Undulator Measurement Plans and Requirements Schedule Summary

10 Two Tests to be Carried Out
Single Undulator Module Test Multiple Undulator Module Test

11 The Two Tests: Single Single Undulator Integrated System Test @ ANL
Prototype undulator [can’t wait for 1st article; no need to] Prototype support/mover system: Cradle, CAM movers, Rollaway system, controls software and hardware “Quadrupole” with fiducialization surfaces “BPM” with fiducialization surfaces “Vacuum Chamber” “WPM, HLS, BLM” sensors “Fixed Support” or actual prototype Earthquake protection bracing

12 Goals of the Single Undulator Test
Provide critical input to the S/M system design reviews. Help to determine whether the support/mover system design is ready for final production.

13 Deliverables – Single Test
Measurement of cradle and rollaway motions Determine precision and reproducibility of motions, including start and stop Check for interference Measure vibration damping or (hopefully not) amplification. Measure position stability and temperature dependence of components and subcomponents.

14 The Two Tests: Single At ANL Single Undulator Integrated System Test
Prototype undulator [no time for 1st article and no need] Prototype support/mover system: Cradle, CAM movers, Rollaway system, controls software and hardware “Quadrupole” with fiducialization surfaces “BPM” with fiducialization surfaces “Vacuum Chamber” “Fixed Support” or actual prototype WPM, HLS, BLM” sensors Earthquake bracing

15 Preparation @ ANL Test to be done in APS Magnet Measurement Area
Temperature regulated May need to construct a temporary clear span building if present thermal regulation is inadequate. Clean Adequate space Experienced People Deliverables of the test are critical to our scope and schedule

16 The Two Tests: Single Single Undulator Integrated System Test At ANL Use the prototype undulator - no time and no need to wait for the 1st article; Prototype support/mover system: Cradle, CAM movers, Rollaway system, controls software and hardware “Quadrupole” with fiducialization surfaces “BPM” with fiducialization surfaces “Vacuum Chamber” “Fixed Support” or actual prototype WPM, HLS, BLM” sensors Earthquake bracing

17 Prototype Undulator at ANL
Vacuum Chamber Goes in Here

18 The Two Tests: Single Prototype support/mover system:
Single Undulator Integrated System Test At ANL Prototype undulator [no time for 1st article and no need] Prototype support/mover system: “Quadrupole” with fiducialization surfaces “BPM” with fiducialization surfaces “Vacuum Chamber” “Fixed Support” or actual prototype WPM, HLS, BLM” sensors Earthquake bracing

19 “Fixed Support” or actual prototype
The Two Tests: Single Single Undulator Integrated System Test At ANL Prototype undulator [no time for 1st article and no need] Prototype support/mover system: Cradle, CAM movers, Rollaway system, controls software and hardware “Quadrupole” with fiducialization surfaces “BPM” with fiducialization surfaces “Vacuum Chamber” “Fixed Support” or actual prototype

20 Fixed Support ANL assumes the Fixed Support scope: we are working toward having a prototype ready and instrumented for the Fall 2005 tests. If unavailable for the single test, a solid backup support will be used

21 Schedule – Single Undulator Module
Design/procure vacuum/diagnostic components starting next week Develop detailed plan and fixed base design. Start June 05 - engineering specs well in hand then. Prepare controls HW/SW Jun-Aug 05; then debug Prepare test area – Jun-Aug 05 Prepare/fabricate test stand and components August thru November 2005; Assemble Components latest December 2005 Short term test complete by mid-January 2006; leads to FDR; 2-month test continues after that.

22 The Two Tests: Multi Two (or three) undulators with long and short breaks will be mounted on fixed supports Ideally, includes wire position monitor segment and hydrostatic level – at least the mountings and sensors. Contains production first articles. verify form and fit of all subcomponents, Refine assembly procedures Assist in development of maintenance procedures Refine alignment and realignment procedures

23 Multi-Undulator Test Can be done at ANL or SLAC
Presently prefer to do it at ANL. First article undulators and subcomponents will be available at ANL after acceptance verification. SLAC personnel would participate in the testing and analysis, and would learn from experienced ANL personnel. Schedule is dependent on determining the area and on first article deliveries; follow-on to the Single-module test.

24 Deliverables Everything from the single-module test plus:
validate relative alignment between two modules and stability verify no constraints from final cabling and earthquake bracing

25 Summary A test of a single-undulator-module assembly will be carried out at ANL in Fall/Winter 05 using prototype and substitute components to provide critical data for the support/mover system final design review prior to RFP. An integrated multi-undulator-module assembly will be done when first articles are available, testing component fits, verifying assembly and installation procedures, verifying relative motion and motion limits, and monitoring thermal and vibration stability.

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