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LCR Local Authority and Merseytravel Apprenticeship Levy Group

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1 LCR Local Authority and Merseytravel Apprenticeship Levy Group
Stephanie Green: Liverpool City Council: Apprenticeship Programme and Performance Lead:

2 Welcome & a bit about us:
Thank you for coming and allowing us to share our vision as employers regarding future apprenticeship procurement. The “Apprenticeship Levy Group” was established in September Membership is drawn from the apprenticeship leads for all 6 LCR local authorities and Merseytravel. The group meets monthly and it’s purpose is to: “Support collaborative apprenticeship activity across the Liverpool City Region Local Authorities and Merseytravel to maximise performance against Public Sector apprenticeship targets and levy spend”.

3 The Group and its Targets
A collective of some of the largest public sector employers in the Liverpool City Region. We employ 41,000 staff, and pay just over £4.4 million per year into the levy. Since the introduction of the levy in May 2017 apprenticeships have become increasingly integral to our organisational development programmes. Each of our organisations is targeted with 2.3% of their employees starting an apprenticeship between April 2017 & March 2021. Equating to a target of 900 starts per annum across the group.

4 The Group and its Targets
The group has been proactive in focussing on increasing apprenticeship participation and levy spend. Produced engagement materials for both LA and grant maintained schools. Undertaken LA Level and collective performance and gap analysis to gain insight into current impact and future apprenticeship opportunities. Introduced a number of LCR agreements and processes. Moving towards streamlining procurement systems and working together to collectively purchase where appropriate.

5 Performance to date: In partnership with a wide range of providers - we have delivered 1,035 apprenticeship starts over the last 2 years. As we mature in terms of levy management and apprenticeship engagement within our organisations, there has been a significant upturn in starts. In 2018/19 (the second year of the PS targets) we have more than doubled starts to 693 – placing us significantly ahead of the Local Government sector projections nationally. Delivering 77% of our Public Sector Targets, compared to a national projection of 51%. There is however, clearly still much scope for apprenticeship growth within LA’s locally, regionally and nationally.

6 Performance to date: We employ a wide range of apprentices and have had starts on over 60 different frameworks / standards. With over 50 different providers. (However, only 5 have more than 50 starts) In the following current proportions:

7 Performance to date: To date the biggest frameworks / standards by volume have been:

8 Procurement: We are all public sector organisations – our procurement needs to be compliant with all legislation (EU Public Contracts Regulations 2015) and fit within our own internal processes. In the past we have tended to purchase apprenticeships separately as Local Authorities, using differing timeframes / methodologies and paperwork etc. As we begin to work more collaboratively we recognise that this model may not be the most efficient methodology for both us and the provider base. As a group we proactively sought a solution to this with the aim of simplifying procurement processes, and have decided moving forward to use the YPO Apprenticeships and Associated Training Framework as a key procurement route. We have written to our current providers and informed GMLPF and it’s members of our intentions in early February. This meeting is part of our strategy to continue to inform you of this decision and to encourage you to work with us to make our future procurement a success.

9 Procurement: We therefore hope that as many “local” providers as possible – will join the framework. The YPO Framework has a range of benefits. 100% publicly owned. (Not for profit). Leading public sector purchasing organisation. Framework meets all public sector procurement rules and is a form of pre-qualification. Structured into three tiers. New providers and standards updated quarterly. User friendly and well documented. Enables direct awards or mini competitions. Regularly updated – each quarter. (New providers / new standards). (Currently 397 live standards) Provides a route for individual LA and collective procurement. Reduces bureaucracy and time taken bidding to deliver provision.

10 Procurement: Opportunities
Each organisation will continue to purchase its own core provision, where they have recognised cohorts, or if provision is easily sourced and delivered. Where possible this will be through the YPO Framework, for which suitable providers will be pre-qualified, this will make procurement quicker and easier, for both the LA and the provider base. Where appropriate LA’s will work together to jointly procure and in a range of sectors build viable cohorts collectively to encourage provider market participation.

11 Procurement: Opportunities
Alongside “core” procurement, which each organisation is agreeing internally within their local apprenticeship action plans. Demand from within our organisations is becoming increasingly focussed on department / occupations not served by apprenticeships in the past. We intend to communicate better with local provider base – through GMLPF and to work with YPO proactively to help stimulate supply. These qualifications will not only be in demand in LCR but within LA’s across the North West and nationally. Opportunity for our “local” provider base to enter new markets and become deliverers to meet LA needs.

12 Procurement: Cohort Building Examples
We are working collectively to build cohorts in a wide of apprenticeships including. Additionally we are analysing workforce planning data to establish opportunities for further apprenticeship training within our organisations.

13 Procurement: Some Standards
We recognise that achieving our ambitions for apprenticeships within the LCR is only achievable through partnership and collaboration. We hope that we can work together with local providers and YPO to better align supply and demand. YPO will tell us all about the Framework and how to apply but a reminder that we would encourage interested providers to take action within the current application window – closes June 3rd 2019 at 2pm.

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