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Updates and Reminders NEL LPC.

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Presentation on theme: "Updates and Reminders NEL LPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updates and Reminders NEL LPC

2 Out of Stock Update Out of stock information is now being collected and monthly bulletins are being produced by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The DHSC are seeking intelligence from the ground that is becoming an issue Actions (Please use the link to report any issues that you are facing locally with regards to stock and supply.

3 Carbagen Supply Issues
A memo has been developed by UKMi, Specialist Pharmacy Services and the NHS Reminders: * The PR 200mg and 400mg are expected back in late 2019 * The IR 200mg tablets expected back second quarter of 2019 * The IR 400mg tablets expected back late 2019 * No new patients should be initiated on Carbagen till shortage addressed

4 Brexit and Meds Shortages
Suppliers have been instructed to stock for a minimum of six weeks additional supply in UK Provisions are in place to address stock needs Key Messages: Healthcare providers should not stockpile medicines Clinicians should not issue longer prescriptions Patients should be advised not to stockpile meds at home Report all shortages via the website created by DHSC

5 account Contractors are requested to create an account on WF CCGs have requested if all contractors within their area could share there addresses with them WF CCG want to pilot a scheme ‘ Discharge to Pharmacy’ and without an account are unable to include those pharmacies as part of the pilot If contractors are unwilling to share their account or are facing barriers in opening an account then could the reasons be shared with CCG for resolution Could all contractors share their with their affiliated surgeries for communication.

6 Pregabalin and Gabapentin reminder update
Pregabalin and Gabapentin are getting reclassified as Class C drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act from the 1st of April 2019 Key points Clinician to physically sign all prescription for the above drugs The maximum quantity should not exceed 30 days Dispensing of scripts within 28 days as per regulations CD writing requirements i.e. the dose, the form, the strength and the total quantity in words and figures Review any owings or patients with repeat dispensing prescriptions Electronic systems are being updated: (Some have already started with the changes) Keep patients informed

7 SCR and DIMRS NHSe has indicated a low use of SCR by pharmacist. Please fill in the survey sent to contractors so that NEL LPC can feedback DIMRS referrals – Please feedback any criticism (positive and negative) to LPC had been made aware that certain cases on DIMRS are not being closed post referral. Kindly ensure that cases are closed. If there are barriers then please inform LPC at the above Kindly ensure that pharmacist are being alerted to referrals. There has been national feedback that some pharmacies are not responding to referrals. Again if there are any berries then kindly ensure that the LPC are aware about it.

8 MAS (Minor Ailments Scheme)
Rita Patel (London Regional Lead for Dental, Optometry and Pharmacy Services at NHSe) has sent notification on the 1st of March 2019 that MAS will continue beyond 31st March 2019. ‘…. The current MAS schemes will continue to be commissioned and paid for beyond 31st March 2019, until the process for an alternative scheme has been exhausted with the CCGs, after which, either a revised scheme, that does not conflict with the OTC guidance, will be commissioned or formal notice will be served on the existing services.’ Please contact Rebecca of Faisal, at the LPC if further clarity is required.

9 Branded Generics and Prescribing
As part of ‘Patient Safety’ ensure that surgeries are issuing scripts for Branded items for 1) Insulins 2) Inhalers If surgeries are still prescribing generically then raise and address this as soon as possible.

10 Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccine
Flu vaccines programme for this year finishes on the 31st of March 2019. Continue to encourage eligible patients to access the pneumococcal vaccine which is still continuing. Feedback any concerns or queries to the LPC

11 Funded PG Cert in Clinical Pharmacy
Next intake June 2019

12 Funded PG Cert in Clinical Pharmacy
Key facts: Website for full info and to apply is: community-pharmacy-postgraduate-courses-funded- through-the-pharmacy-integration-fund/ People can apply now for our next intake in June 2019 The deadline for applications is 16 May 2019 We are running in London (83 Pall Mall) and Bath London induction workshop =  31 May 2019 Please click on this link to see student testimonials: comm-phar/


14 What you need to do To order free resources go to this link: This will support your HLP requirements, get your health champion on it If you are commissioned to provide Health Checks, use this campaign to help assess patient/public risk of diabetes and other diseases

15 What is Diabetes Prevention Week?
Diabetes Prevention Week is a campaign from NHS England, Diabetes UK and Public Health England. It aims to: Raise awaRaise awareness of the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme – with the public and healthcare professionals (specifically GPs, Practice Nurses and Pharmacists) reness of the causes of Type 2 diabetes Raise awareness of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes Raise awareness of at risk groups – particularly BME populations

16 Key messages – for patients and the public
Type 2 diabetes can cause serious long-term health problems; You can prevent Type 2 diabetes by eating a healthy, balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly Find out your risk of Type 2 diabetes by using the Diabetes UK Know Your Risk Score at If you think you or a family member may be at risk, ask at your GP practice about your local Healthier You service There are some groups at higher risk: Men Those from some segments of the BAME community Overweight Those with a family history Your ethnicity may put you at a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes

17 Key messages – for healthcare professionals
Type 2 diabetes is one of the biggest healthcare challenges of our time. There are some groups at higher risk of Type 2 diabetes: Men Those from some segments of the BAME community Overweight Those with a family history The Healthier You: Diabetes Prevention Programme is a lifestyle change programme which helps those at risk of Type 2 diabetes to reduce their risk by helping participants to manage their weight, eat more healthily and be more active Refer eligible patients to the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (via their GP Practice)

18 The toolkit The physical toolkit includes:
Information about the campaign Leaflets Posters ‘How do you measure up?’ tape measures Bunting ‘Ask me about Diabetes Prevention Week’ Stickers The digital toolkit includes: Social media images Videos; including an animation about the NHS DPP which can be shown in public areas Leaflets in other languages (to print locally if required) Communications colleagues will also be given up to date statistics and regional press release templates to assist with local media

19 Calls to action For patients / public:
Go to to get an estimate of your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes Take up the offer of a free NHS Health Check which will assess your risk of diabetes and other diseases If you think you may be at risk, speak to your GP practice If you are invited to join the NHS DPP, take up the offer Find out more about the NHS DPP at or ask a member of your GP practice team For healthcare professionals: Keep the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in mind as a treatment option for eligible patients Find out what is happening in your area in regards to the NHS DPP Order a toolkit and/or take part in local events to promote the NHS DPP

20 More information For more information on the Diabetes Prevention week campaign, contact: Leicia Feare, Comms and Engagement Lead, NHS Diabetes Programme: e: t: Kelly McGinty, Implementation Engagement Officer, NHS Diabetes Programme: e: t: Campaign resources will be available at the following link from late January 2019:

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