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UConn Health GME Educational Series- Finances

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1 UConn Health GME Educational Series- Finances

2 Who is the Consortium? The Capital Area Health Consortium (a.k.a. the Consortium) is a separate non-profit 501(c)3 organization operating independently from the 5 major teaching hospital affiliates of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine graduate medical education programs.

3 The Relationship between UConn GME and the Consortium
A contract exists between the two separate entities in which UConn Health sends the Consortium greater than $54 million dollars per year to cover costs related to resident salary, fringe benefits, education and travel support, other program expense as approved by the UConn GME enterprise. The Consortium employs its own staff. It has a board of directors comprised of representation from the UConn SOM and each major teaching affiliate.

4 “The Consortium will pay for it” / “GME will pay for it”
This means something different to every program we have. All program expenses and resident support are billed out to those hospitals that have committed to fund your particular program.

5 UConn GME Flow of funds UConn GME sends money to the Consortium each year to pay “bills” ($54 million/year of resident salary and program expenses). UConn GME office bills each hospital according to each program’s confirmed block schedule. Hospitals, based on confirmed block schedules submit IRIS reports to Medicare. Medicare pays hospitals via the Medicare Cost Report (DGME & IME) based on FTEs (not expenses). Notice the importance of block schedules!!

6 Amion / Block Schedules
Regularly scheduled half/full day clinics must be accounted for. Each week is made up of 10 sessions per week Each half day per week = 10% time Need to publish timely and accurately. Errors = lots of re-work Include first and last names Include PGY changes mid- year Include folks who are off cycle. If they are here for even one extra day, we need to bill the hospitals to get reimbursed for the salary we paid them Block location – We don’t know what you don’t tell us. “Green” is not a location that we can decipher, “Green- HH” is! If an outside auditor comes, they need to be able to look at your amion schedule and know where your residents are spending their time

7 Resident and Fellow Support
ERA- Residents and fellows get full allotment on day 1 Multiple Device rules No gift cards Names and dates on receipts Travel Funds- Attending and presenting funds exist. PDs can travel using GME funds and core faculty who receive protected time can travel every other year using GME funds.

8 Program Functions Wellness - $75 per resident
Recruitment- $60-65 per candidate Functions - $500 per resident Graduation/Holiday - $250/200 per resident Program Events- comes from function budget, no alcohol. Itemization on meal receipts

9 Travel Authorizations
Things to include: Conference cover page (or minimum needed to support dates of travel and conference hotel rates) Conference proof of payment (if made at this point). Flight info with proof of payment (disclosing ticket class if purchased at this point). Hotel/lodging reservation (disclosing room type). Local area per diem (if needed). Program approval of conference travel. Primary author confirmation ( from conference if applicable).

10 Travel Authorizations
Things to exclude: Food receipts (you should be using local per diem) Full conference brochures Full mileage website printouts Any meal reimbursement if cost of registration, hotel, and airfare already exceed the $2k max. Any piece of paper that doesn’t support a number…just because you print it doesn’t mean we want it!

11 Travel Authorizations (cont.)
Other TA related: If including mileage, please perform the standard allowable calculation and submit 1 page. Taxi/ride-share (Uber, Lyft, etc) to BDL is not reimbursable. A mileage allowance is to be used to defray such. Taxi/ride-share receipts in the destination city can be allowable dependent upon clearly marked origins and destinations (and time of day). If not staying at the conference hotel, it must be reasonably close. GME office approval is provided based on the allowability of the conference. It is the PCs responsibility to confirm available balances based on your records. Reimbursements will be made only up to travel policy allowable amounts.


13 CAHC Check Requests Boxes to populate for different sources of support. Note column headings for E.R.A Conference attending Conference presenting Program requirement


15 Reimbursements Now can be done on the original TA to save paper.
Does still need a CAHC check request For conference travel, even if not requesting reimbursement for registration, a confirmation of registration must be included.

16 Questions? Questions?

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