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EL 120-College success (P3)

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1 EL 120-College success (P3)
Friday, January 27th, 2017

2 Class Agenda Housekeeping PSAT Results Check In
Review and Apply - CMC Education Plan for Diploma / Degree Completion

3 Housekeeping College Syllabus Signature Sheet Calendar Change
CCC Dental Assistant Career Exploration Opportunity Reminder: Check, Read & Respond to

4 PSAT Results Check In View your scores: Log in to your College Board account to view your scores at Access test prep and practice to improve your scores: If you haven't linked your College Board account with the Khan Academy to get personalized practice based on your own test results - follow the steps in this powerpoint to link your accounts. You will have a log in for both College Board and Khan Academy. Plan to register for the SAT this Spring (Juniors): Register through your College Board account as soon as you have decided which date you would like to take the test. (Note: Many schools do not require the Writing portion of the SAT, however, we recommend you look into your schools' admissions requirements before deciding whether to take the SAT with Writing) If you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch or any public assistance, you qualify for a Fee Waiver for the SAT - please see your counselor if you need one. The following test dates are available this Spring: March 11 (registration deadline February 10, late registration deadline February 28) May 6 (registration deadline April 7, late registration deadline April 25) June 3 (registration deadline May 9, late registration deadline May 24)

5 Learning Targets I can identify high school diploma and AAOT degree requirements using the tools provided for academic planning and guidance. I can implement the AAOT worksheet and academic evaluation into the process of planning for high school diploma and degree completion. I can update my educational plan with the understanding of how the academic planning resources can be utilized effectively.

6 CMC Transcript Review Review remaining high school credits/courses
Identify which credits will be fulfilled through CEO classes (refer to credit conversion rate & subject areas) and which will be completed at CMC Note Essential Skills remaining & PE credit

7 AAOT Degree Worksheet Review required areas of AAOT - foundational, general education distribution areas, elective credits Fill in courses you have taken to see which areas they fulfill and begin tracking credits Use worksheet and academic evaluation to help plan for remaining courses needed for degree (and high school completion)

8 Academic Evaluation Review
Review degree requirements in this format and compare to worksheet to ensure accuracy

9 CMC Education Plan Update
Use academic evaluation & AAOT worksheet and the CCC catalog to update CMC educational plan through graduation (and beyond if applicable) Use catalog to read course descriptions, prerequisites needed, credit amounts to plan remaining degree requirements Ed plan is a living document to be reviewed and updated each term in individual and group advising sessions

10 Homework for next week . Read pgs. 5-21 in Parachute book.
Complete the Self-Knowledge Test handout. Complete the AAOT worksheet and fill in the CMC Ed Plan outlining the completion of your AAOT degree. EXTRA CREDIT (10 points): Ask TWO adults how they arrived in their current careers/positions. Briefly describe their paths to their present including their education and training as well as previous positions. In a Google doc, write a 1 page typed reflection paper about the information you gathered. What did you learn? Did anything surprise you? How did these conversations impact your thoughts about your current career areas of interest? Share with me when complete: .

11 Exit Slip: What are 3 examples of Arts & Letters courses?
How many college credits are required to complete the AAOT?

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