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Module No 9: ICT Literacy for Rural Micro-enterprises

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1 Module No 9: ICT Literacy for Rural Micro-enterprises
MICRO: Enhancing Competitiveness of Micro-enterprises in Rural Areas Module No 9: ICT Literacy for Rural Micro-enterprises Prepared by the Consortium for the project: “Irish Rural Link – National University of Ireland Maynooth- CDI – EEO GROUP SA- IHF asbl – IDP - Internet Web Solutions SL”

2 How long to read and listen?
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs Overview How many slides? 30 slides in total How long to read and listen? 30 minutes (not including exploring the links provided within slides) What is the benefit? See aim and expected learning in following slides

3 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Unit Aim This unit will outline basic online knowledge and skills that a micro entrepreneur should have.

4 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Expected Learning Outcomes At the end of this module you will be able to: Explain what is ICT & Web 2.0. The knowledgeable on basic Internet tools – useful to the rural entrepreneur. See the possibilities of the web for the rural entrepreneur.

5 What is a Information and Communications Technology (ICT)?
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs What is a Information and Communications Technology (ICT)? Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an extended term for information technology (IT) which stresses unified communications, and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers (software, middleware, storage), and audio-visual systems, to enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

6 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
What is a ICT for? ICT is the technology required for information processing, in particular the use of electronic communication devices and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime. Source: MCHS at

7 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
ICT provides …. Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study, or research. Information has become increasingly central to a productive life giving rise to the term the Information Age. Communication is an act of transmitting messages – a process whereby information is exchanged between individuals using symbols (sign or verbal interactions). Communication is essential to gain knowledge. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to create processes and products that fulfil human needs. Communication is enhanced through technology.

8 Knowledge as an asset for the rural entrepreneur
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs Knowledge as an asset for the rural entrepreneur Intellectual property laws are needed to establish and safeguard the intellectual property – the work created by inventors, authors and artists. Intellectual property laws are particularly needed today as businesses continue to expand globally There are four types of intellectual property protection: Patents for invention Trademarks for brand identity Designs for product appearance, and Copyright for materials

9 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
What can ICT do? ICT can … Increase professional capacity Diversify knowledge Develop skills to engineer innovation Increase employment and self-employment potential Reduce the impact of distance from location of consumption Adapted from Source: Junaid Qadir, Fundamentals of ICT

10 Terminology & ICT tools relevant to the rural entrepreneur
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs Terminology & ICT tools relevant to the rural entrepreneur

11 Personal, multiuser, & embedded devices?
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs Personal, multiuser, & embedded devices?

12 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
What about?

13 What is an Operating System?
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs What is an Operating System? 3 minute 10 second online Video; Click on this link or copy it into your web browser -

14 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
What is a Web browser? 1 minute online Video; Click on this link or copy it into your web browser - v=BrXPcaRlBqo

15 The Difference Between a Web-Browser and a Search-Engine?
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs The Difference Between a Web-Browser and a Search-Engine? 5 minute 50 second online Video; Click on this link or copy it into your web browser -

16 How to protect your computer from malware?
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs How to protect your computer from malware? 2 minute 6 second online Video; Click on this link or copy it into your web browser -

17 There can be a lot to learn to get the best from the ICT technology
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs There can be a lot to learn to get the best from the ICT technology Basic ICT concepts Computer Systems (software /hardware) Introduction to programming, databases, and information systems Communication networks The Internet – Web 2.0 ICT Security issues ICT innovations

18 Changing Nature of Online Interaction – Web 2.0
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs Changing Nature of Online Interaction – Web 2.0 From Individual to social From information to communication From passive to interactive From using institutional tools to using personal tools Source:

19 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Current Issues – Web 2.0 Connectivity: Access to information is available on a global scale Flexibility: interaction can happen any time any place Interactivity: feedback can be immediate and autonomous Collaboration: use of discussion tools can support collaboration for development and delivery Extending business opportunity: E-contact can reinforce and extend the interaction Motivation: multimedia resources hence creativity to business dealings

20 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
– Web 1.0 to – Web 2.0

21 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Web 2.0 basic Tools let us look at some tools …

22 Web 2.0 - Media Sharing Sites
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs Web Media Sharing Sites Click on each for a video explanation: Google docs Slideshare Youtube Vimeo Flicker Media sharing sites allow users to upload, store, share, and incorporate using various types of media on the Internet. These include documents, presentations, images, and audio. Generally these sites allowed the user to comment on posts/uploads and have a rating mechanism

23 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Web Podcasting Podcasting is the process of capturing an audio event, song, speech, or mix of sounds and uploading them as a digital sound object to a website, blog site or other resource bank 2 minute 40 second online Video on podcasting ; Click on this link or copy it into your web browser -

24 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Web 2.0 – Capturing Audio If you are making a podcast use Audacity - a free programme - to record and edit audio recordings for a podcast See You can record audio on the go using a digital recorder or indeed your mobile phone or tablet

25 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Web 2.0 – Screen-casting A screen cast is a digital recording of a computer screen output often containing audio narration. Preparation of the screen cast requires a computer with a microphone and recording software. Some recording software includes Camtasia Studio, Captivate and Jing. Use the Search-Engine in your computer operating system to find information about one of these programmes.

26 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Web 2.0 – You Tube YouTube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month.

27 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Web 2.0 – Blogging 2 minute 58 second online Video on blogging ; Click on this link or copy it into your web browser - A blog – short for web log – is a type of webpage with the posts or entries showing the newest first. Blogs can be used as a personal journal or as a promotional site. Blogpost can be tagged or categorised with key words to allow releated entries to be grouped together.

28 Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs
Web 2.0 – What is a Wiki? 3 minute 52 second online Video on Wiki ; Click on this link or copy it into your web browser - A Wiki –is a collaborative webpage enabling multiple users to add to and edit content directly on to the page

29 Summarising Introduction to Web 2.0 tools for rural entrepreneurs
Online literacy for Micro-entrepreneurs Summarising Introduction to Web 2.0 tools for rural entrepreneurs Web 2.0 Internet programmes allow you as a rural entrepreneur (the producer), to interact (publish) to your audience (other producers, support agencies, and clients) in an efficient and effective way. It also allows the audience to respond as reviewers with feedback to help you to develop your business and your products/services.

30 Thank you for your attention 
End of Module Thank you for your attention 

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