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How I manage my Scout Group

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Presentation on theme: "How I manage my Scout Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 How I manage my Scout Group
An introduction to Slack, Scouts Tracker and Dropbox

2 Topics My Priorities as a Group Commissioner Benefits & Uses
ScoutsTracker – Youth Development Management System Slack – Communications Platform Dropbox/Googledrive/One Drive – Cloud File Storage & Collaboration

3 My First Year as GC Our previous GC nominated to become Council Commissioner No group committee 100% Turnover of Section Scouters, significant youth attrition In my first year we got audited by the Gaming Authority

4 My Priorities Establish program foundations that would be resilient to leadership changes Reduce the administrative burden in scouting to the absolute minimum Remove myself as a bottleneck (information, decisions) Adopt tools and processes that support high quality program and happy volunteers

5 My Weaknesses Not detail oriented Easily bored Not good with paperwork
Don’t have a lot of time

6 My Strengths I manage people at work
I use collaborative systems to make work easier I am obsessed with making the lives of my team and myself easier I have been a part of the Scouting movement since childhood

7 What you’ll hear about today
Benefits and uses of each platform Philosophy to volunteer support What’s not covered today: Deep dive tutorial of each tool, however some references provided and experts on my team available to peer mentor.


9 ScoutsTracker Benefits for GC Benefits for Scouters
Collaborative calendaring across Sections Standardized communications protocol to parents Consistent/persistent youth progression tracking system across sections Program guidelines almost always in-sync Scouts Canada Benefits for Scouters All development tracking online shared by Scouter, Youth and Parents Youth progression data moves with them through sections Inventory Management, Dues, Attendance, Communications Records,

10 ScoutsTracker Trade-offs
There is a subscription fee. $50-$70/year. For 5 Sections that’s about $10 per year. I asked my Scouters every year if it’s worth it. No one has ever said no. It takes work to keep records updated. Duh... Recommend one data obsessed Scouter per section. Can be a parent.

11 Demo/Questions?


13 Slack Benefits for GC Benefits for Scouters
Consistent platform for communications for all volunteers Channels for specific standing processes or topics Elimination of Benefits for Scouters Quicker response Everyone who needs or wants to know is there Good for adhoc comms as well.

14 Slack Trade-offs Not great for record keeping
Just-in-time can sometimes mean poor planning habits “Always on” risk

15 Demo/Questions?

16 Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive
GC Benefits Self serve all group forms, documents, rental agreements and other paperwork.

17 Demo/Questions

18 Social Media com/ElsieRoy/

19 Resources ScoutsTracker Guides Kevin Li
Paul Barry

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