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Welcome to Antideuteron 2019 (2nd Cosmic Ray Antidetueron Woskshop)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Antideuteron 2019 (2nd Cosmic Ray Antidetueron Woskshop)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Antideuteron 2019 (2nd Cosmic Ray Antidetueron Woskshop)
University of California, Los Angeles March, 2019 Organizing Committee: Philip von Doetinchem, Rene Ong, Mirko Boezio, Kerstin Perez

2 General Items WiFi Network: UCLA_WEB (no password); eduroam may also work for you Restrooms are in the hallway as you go back towards the front entrance UCLA on break this week – no students (!), but also some things closed, especially on Friday (state holiday) Need help? – contact a local organizer (blue on badge) Need receipt? Speakers: Upload talks to Indico site for workshop (PDF preferred) Talks are 15+5 min or 25+5 min – please leave room for questions! Up-to-date schedule is on Indico

3 Schedule Each talk session is ~90 minutes long WED: Fac Center
THURS: Fac Center FRI: PAB COFFEE/TEA Morning 1 Talks BREAK Morning 2 Talks LUNCH (LUNCH) Afternoon 1 Talks Afternoon 2 Talks DINNER (DINNER) 09:00 Provided by Workshop Organized by Workshop (signup sheet) (On your own)

4 Today’s Input

5 Today’s Input Please let us know if you will not be attending on Friday (raise hands) If you are interested in going to dinner this evening, please add your name to a sign-up sheet; choices are: Restaurant: Frida Skylight Kaido Bollywood Gardens Bites Cuisine: Mexican American Japanese Indian Host: Sean Jamie Ralph Philip Maximum of 10 people per restaurant 18:45 Meet at Faculty Center 19:15 Dinner Reservation

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