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Foetus Development D. Crowley, 2007.

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1 Foetus Development D. Crowley, 2007

2 Tuesday, July 09, 2019 Foetus Development To know what the foetus looks like inside the mother’s uterus

3 Development What does the foetus need for development? Where does it obtain these? The foetus relies upon its mother as it develops. It needs: - Protection Oxygen Nutrients (food and water) It also needs its waste substances being removed

4 Protection The foetus is protected by the uterus and a protective bag called the amnion This protective bag (amnion) contains a special liquid - amniotic fluid It is also vital that the mother take care for her unborn child by having enough nutrients (i.e. eating more for her and baby); be careful what medicines she takes; and be very careful with drugs and drink: as these can be passed into the developing foetus, possibly causing severe problems For example, a side affect of smoking is that the amount of oxygen transported in the blood is reduced. This can cause the foetus to not get enough oxygen, so it is likely to be born small and premature

5 Needs Oxygen; nutrients (food and water); and waste products are all taken care of by the placenta The placenta grows into the wall of the uterus and is joined to the foetus by the umbilical cord The mother's blood does not mix with the foetus's blood, but the placenta lets substances pass between the two blood supplies: - oxygen and nutrients diffuse across the placenta from the mother to the foetus waste substances, such as carbon dioxide, diffuse across the placenta from the foetus to the mother

6 Placenta

7 Embryo Development

8 Developing Foetus Using the worksheet, cut out the pictures, sticking them in the correct order Add the labels for the placenta; amnion (fluid filled bag); and developing baby Then draw an arrow showing the direction oxygen and nutrients travel (from  to) and draw an arrow showing the direction waste products travel (from  to)

9 Amnion (fluid filled bag, containing amniotic fluid)
Developing Foetus Placenta Amnion (fluid filled bag, containing amniotic fluid) Developing foetus oxygen and nutrients diffuse across the placenta from the mother to the foetus waste substances, diffuse across the placenta from the foetus to the mother

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