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Claire Wright Move More Aberdeenshire

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Presentation on theme: "Claire Wright Move More Aberdeenshire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Claire Wright Move More Aberdeenshire
Macmillan Outreach and Communities Officer Aberdeenshire Council and Macmillan

2 Overview Physical activity and cancer Move More in Grampian
The Benefits Move More in Grampian Sustainability of project

3 Physical activity benefits
Urinary & bowel problems Fatigue Peripheral neuropathy Anxiety Weight changes Night sweats Depression Difficulty with memory & concentration Hot flushes Lymphoedema Osteoporosis Cardiotoxicity

4 Physical Activity Benefits
Reduced Fatigue Fitness improved Muscular strength increased Improved weight management Quality of life improved Improved bone health Reduced need for healthcare

5 Physical Activity Benefits
Large cohort studies have linked a reduced recurrence and improved survival with greater physical activity Cancer Studies Risk reduction Breast 4 >20% cancer mortality/progression Colorectal 6 >30% cancer mortality/progression Prostate 2 >50% cancer mortality/progression Lung 1 >30% total mortality Brain The importance of physical activity for people living with cancer – a concise evidence review. Macmillan Cancer Support

6 Physical Activity Benefits
How much and what type of physical activity should we be aiming for (per week)?


8 What is Move More? A joint partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support, Aberdeenshire Council, Moray Council and Sport Aberdeen with support from NHS Grampian and local partners A Macmillan initiative to make physical activity part of the normal cancer treatment pathway Free of charge for all Time based – 12 weeks (followed by local incentives eg Active Aberdeenshire concessionary membership, Sport Aberdeen 2 classes free) Person centred service

9 Move More Gardening Gentle Movement Walking Circuits*
Independently Active

10 How do participants get involved?

11 What happens once they have been referred?
MM will Screening/ Choose Confirm Moving contact you Questionnaires Activity Start Date MORE HBC opportunity Face to face

12 Move More - Aberdeen Bridge of Don CLAN Westburn ARI Northfield Beach
Kingswells Garthdee

13 Group Exercise (Circuits)
The Move More Moray 12-week (free) physical activity groups for people affected by cancer. Group Exercise (Circuits) Venue Day Time Elgin Tuesdays Morning Buckie Wednesdays Evening Elgin Thursdays Evening

14 Gentle Movement Therapeutic Gardening
(like Tai Chi- Standing or Seated) Venue Day Time The Oaks Elgin Monday Afternoon Therapeutic Gardening With REAP (Rural Environmental Action Project) Venue Day Time Mary Hill Health Centre Monday Afternoon Elgin

15 Classes in Aberdeenshire
Walking Groups – 10 Circuits Classes – 7 Gentle Movement – 3 Gardening Groups – 2 Total of 22 classes throughout Aberdeenshire 80 referrals into programme since August 2017 30 plus currently benefiting from the programme

16 Where to now? Launch Move More Aberdeenshire 29th June 2018
Sustainability of programme into long term health conditions Concentrate of developing the referrals into the programme

17 Claire Wright, Macmillan Outreach and Communities Officer
Thank you Claire Wright, Macmillan Outreach and Communities Officer

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