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US AIRPORT PRIVATIZATION: CHICAGO MIDWAY AIRPORT AND BEYOND David Narefsky and John Schmidt Mayer Brown, LLP March 25, 2008 NYU Wagner Rudin Center for.

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Presentation on theme: "US AIRPORT PRIVATIZATION: CHICAGO MIDWAY AIRPORT AND BEYOND David Narefsky and John Schmidt Mayer Brown, LLP March 25, 2008 NYU Wagner Rudin Center for."— Presentation transcript:

1 US AIRPORT PRIVATIZATION: CHICAGO MIDWAY AIRPORT AND BEYOND David Narefsky and John Schmidt Mayer Brown, LLP March 25, 2008 NYU Wagner Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management

2 MIDWAY AIRPORT: TRANSACTION IN CONTEXT COMPLETED TRANSACTIONS: Chicago Skyway – 2005 Indiana Toll Road – 2006 Chicago Underground Garages2006 ______________________________________________________ TRANSACTIONS IN PROCESS: Chicago Street Parking; Pennsylvania Turnpike; Congestion Relief Toll Lanes; Mass Transit, Ports, Lotteries; ________________________________________________________ BUT MIDWAY IS ONLY U.S. AIRPORT TRANSACTION

3 MIDWAY AIRPORT: TRANSACTION IN CONTEXT Midway would be first major U.S. passenger airport to be privatized Private operation, management and ownership is common in Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia Over 50 airports privatized since 1987 – more than 10% of global market

4 Airport Privatization – Global Overview PRIVATIZATION OF UK AIRPORTS BAA-- Privatized via IPO Ownership of Heathrow, Gatwick and Edinburgh Acquisition by BAA of Budapest Airport -- and recent sale to Hochtief Recent acquisition of BAA by Ferrovial London City Airport Credit Suisse/GE Capital/AIG consortium recently purchase for over 700 million pounds; prior acquisition for approx. 25 million pounds

5 Airport Privatization – Global Overview Macquarie Airports: Sydney Rome Copenhagen Brussels Aeroport de Paris: CDG and Orly Airport Recent public offering of shares Hochtief: Dusseldorf Hamburg Athens Budapest Other Privatized Airports: Vancouver (Vancouver Airport Authority) Frankfort (Fraport) Amsterdam (Schipol) Mexico – IPO for dozen regional airports

6 U.S. Airports – Limited Privatization to Date JFK Terminal 4/International Terminaldesign/build/operate Consortium = Schiphol USA, LCOR, Lehman Brothers Indianapolis Long-term contract for privatized operations through BAA Contract to be terminated Boston Logan and Pittsburgh Privatized concessions through BAA Orlando -- Sanford Operated by TBI

7 Federal Authorization: FAA Pilot Privatization Program Enacted in 1997; Authorizes privatization of up to five airports Only One Slot for large hub airport (1% of passenger boardings) – Midway reserved this slot in 2006; If five airports are privatized, one must be general aviation airport; Stewart Airport (Newburgh, NY) Only airport successfully privatized under Pilot Program; 99 year lease to National Express Group Lease recently acquired by Port Authority;

8 FAA Pilot Privatization ProgramKey Provisions Exemption from prohibition on use of proceeds for non- airport purposes – allows proceeds to be taken off airport Requires approval by 65% of eligible carriers -- by number of airlines and by landed weight Exemption from obligation to repay federal grants Authorizes private operator to use net revenues for non-airport purposes Specific requirements for increases in airlines rates and charges. Permits private operator to receive and use PFCs and federal grants on essentially same terms as government owner

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10 MIDWAY AIRPORT--OVERVIEW Premier point-to-point airportleisure and business travel to over 55 destinations; 19.1 million passengers and 304,000 operations in 2007; New airport terminal opened in 2004--43 gates, concessions triangle, expanded parking and improved roadways; FIS Facility for international flights; Located 10 miles southwest of downtown Chicago Access via 30 minute, rapid transit rail service;

11 MIDWAY AIRPORT– INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS First mover advantage to new asset class 100% lease on a very long-term concession #1 airport for low-cost carriers New approach to rates and charges Untapped commercial upside State-of-the-art-facility Modest capital expenditure plans International route potential Access to passenger facility charges for Midway


13 CITY OBJECTIVES FOR MIDWAY TRANSACTION Protect the Public Interest Maintain highest levels of public and passenger safety and security Protect the public interest within the context of seeking value for the City and the airlines Detailed operating standards and continued City oversight New framework of rates and charges

14 CITY OBJECTIVES FOR MIDWAY TRANSACTION Maximize sale proceeds Ability to use funds for infrastructure and pensions Ensure that future airport development is safe, functional, efficient

15 CITY OBJECTIVES FOR MIDWAY TRANSACTION Fair and Transparent Process Protect the reasonable interests of current and future airline users Ensure fair and equitable treatment of existing Airport employees Ensure a smooth transition from public to private management in a timely manner


17 BEST PRACTICES IN LABOR PROTECTION 190 City Employees at Midway = 165 Union + 25 Non-Union Job Security Protections * City will offer employment under substantially similar terms and conditions in another Department or location * Lessee must also offer employment under substantially similar terms Project Labor Agreements for public works projects funded by proceeds * Applies to construction projects valued at $500,000 or more Wage and benefits protections for employees of Private Operator * Employees performing work formerly performed by City employees in bargaining units will receive the economic equivalent of the wage and benefits that would otherwise be received by the City employees Protections for union organizing efforts * Lessee will be required to negotiate a labor neutrality and card check procedure agreement.

18 NEXT STEPS IN MIDWAY PROCESS RFQ Responses and Qualify Bidders Amended Use Agreement with Airlines and Lease Agreement with Private Operator Receipt of bids in 3Q of 2008 Review and Approval by City Council and FAA/TSA -- Public Notice and Comment Foreign InvestmentCFIUS Considerations Closing in 4Q of 2008

19 Contact Information David Narefsky (312) 701-7303 John Schmidt (312) 701-8597

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