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Two or more people who share any characteristic.

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Presentation on theme: "Two or more people who share any characteristic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two or more people who share any characteristic.
Group ≡

2 Group ≡ Community ≡ Accidental Group ≡
Two or more people who share any characteristic. Group ≡ A group that has a collective intentionality. Community ≡ A group that does not have a collective intentionality. Accidental Group ≡ As usual, this UML symbol shows that accidental group and community are subtypes of group.

3 A group that has a collective intentionality. Community ≡
A community can consist of anything from 0 to N other communities.

4 Non-Epistemic Community ≡
A group that has a collective intentionality. Community ≡ A community that does not have a collective intentionality to know the world. Non-Epistemic Community ≡ A community that has a collective intentionality to know the world. Epistemic Community ≡ Epistemic and non-epistemic communities are subtypes of community.

5 Two or more people who share any characteristic.
Group ≡

6 Group ≡ Community ≡ Accidental Group ≡
Two or more people who share any characteristic. Group ≡ A group that has a collective intentionality. Community ≡ A group that does not have a collective intentionality. Accidental Group ≡

7 A group that has a collective intentionality.
Community ≡

8 Non-Epistemic Community ≡
A group that has a collective intentionality. Community ≡ A community that does not have a collective intentionality to know the world. Non-Epistemic Community ≡ A community that has a collective intentionality to know the world. Epistemic Community ≡

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