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Kinetics I.

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1 Kinetics I

2 1. 1 pt for correct explanation
When the concentration of a reactant increases there is more of that reactant circulating in the same volume. As a result there will be more collisions and the reaction rate will increase.

3 II. 1 pt for correct explanation
Decreasing temp would decrease the initial reaction rate. Decreasing temp decreases avg kinetic energy and the average velocity and as a result decrease rate.

4 III. 1 pt with correct justification
Second order w r to NO Must show calculation for credit

5 IV. 1 pt with correct justification
first order w r to H2

6 V. 1 pt for correct law Rate = k [NO]2[H2]

7 VI 1 point for correct overall rate law

8 VII 1 pt for correct value 1 pt for correct units
1.2 M-2 s-1

9 b) 1 pt for correct explanation
Such reactions have very low rxn rates at low temp and are said to be under kinetic control. For a reaction to occur the collision energy must be greater than or equal to activation energy and the orientation of collisions has to be correct. The arte at which successful collisions occur can be very low for some reactants at lower temperatures. Because average KE of the particles is lower at lower temp the rate of collisions is less and fewer collide with sufficient energy to achieve chem reactions.

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