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Diagnostics developments at CEA Saclay: Beam Loss and Profile Monitors

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1 Diagnostics developments at CEA Saclay: Beam Loss and Profile Monitors
8th Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-8) Uppsala, June 13th 2018 J. Marroncle – CEA Saclay

2 Preamble Doppler EMU nBLM NPM Talk about:
Schedule 1.8 AIK 7.1 Schedule 1.9 AIK 7.2 Schedule 1.11 AIK 7.9 Schedule 1.6 AIK 7.3 Talk about: nBLM (neutron Beam Loss Monitors) NPM (Non intrusive Profile Monitors Doppler and EMU (Allison scanner)  already delivered! 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

3 nBLM DSM/Irfu, CEA Saclay
S. Aune, J. Beltramelli, Q. Bertrand, T. Bey, M. Combet, D. Desforge, F. Gougnaud, C. Lahonde-Hamdoun, P. Le Bourlout, P. Legou, O. Maillard, Y. Mariette, J. Marroncle, V. Nadot, T. Papaevangelou, L. Segui, G. Tsiledakis ESS project manager, Lund I. Dolenc Kittelmann

4 T. Shea, ESS BI forum, Bilbao, Oct. 4th 2016
Why new BLM? Tom Shea’s, beam diagnostics leader at SNS in 80th and BI leader of ESS MPS: not be fulfilled due to software subtraction during tuning and commissioning X-rays may vary and it is not sure that “waveform subtraction” works properly T. Shea, ESS BI forum, Bilbao, Oct. 4th 2016 Waveform subtraction Pulse frequency = 59.9 Hz Every 10 s there is an empty RF pulse with no beam The reference waveform is acquire at blank pulse and stored in software to be subtracted from real pulses Software MPS accounts for that and reports real loss only Hardware MPS is compromised “…the x-ray component is quite significant and can be even greater than the loss itself. A detector that is sensitive to neutrons and not sensitive to x-rays could be a possible solution. Unfortunately it is hard to create such a detector that would work in analog mode.” A. Zhukov, WEYA2, PAC2013 SNS IC signal Proposition: BLM sensitive to fast neutrons  nBLM BLM insensitive to X-rays and  thermal neutrons 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

5 Micromegas in few words
-1000 V -500 V 0 V drift region amplification region Y. Giomataris, P. Rebourgeard, J.P. Robert and G. Charpak, Micromegas: A high-granularity position sensitive gaseous detector for high particle-flux environments”, NIM A 376 (1996) 29. Based on Micromegas detector Multi-Pattern Gaseous Detector, invented in 1995 at CEA Saclay1 Parallel plate detector with a strengthened thin mesh dividing the gas volume in 2 parts: drift region (1 to 10 mm)  E ≈ 0.1 kV/mm amplification region (30 to 100 µm)  E ≈ 10 kV/mm Grounded read-out: conductive strips connected to FEE Pillars are used to reinforce the response uniformity 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

6 2 nBLM types: Slow & Fast SLOW nBLM SLOW nBLM IPHI FAST nBLM
Time response of the slow nBLM detector SLOW nBLM SLOW nBLM neutro-phagus envelop  absorbs the incident thermal neutrons Polyethylene moderator: thermalized the incident fast neutrons absorbed the remaining thermal neutrons Micromegas: B4C layer (7 × 7 cm2) Gas (1 atm): He or N2, Ne… (He better for avoiding ) Simulations done with Geant4 and Fluka B4C deposition on cathode done by ESS Detector Coatings Workshop, Linköping University, Sweden Time response of the fast nBLM detector and beam current on target. FAST nBLM 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

7 The proof of nBLM system working
First test in AMANDE (Cadarache, March 18) very positive. Proof of Gammas/neutron discrimination capability. With similar n and γ fluxes: Neutron run 191 cts/s Gammas cts/s With shown threshold rejection of No noise subtraction Higher threshold would result in complete gamma suppression More tests to follow (IPHI at CEA Saclay , LINAC4 and GIF++ at Cern) Amande - Cadarache Slow nBLM 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

8 nBLM summary nBLM may work in 2 modes, since expected rates are difficult to estimate neutron counting (< 106 cts/s) current gas  90% He + 10% CO2 Fast/Slow nBLM (to get almost all neutrons) timing  <15 ns / µs sensitivity  % / 0.5 % Electronics FEE pre-amplifiers (high BW, low noise, gain=34) FPGA for data processing (waveform analysis for counting mode) Project Kick-off  7/2016 PDR1 & 2, CDR1  ok CDR2  not yet scheduled End of project  end 2019 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

9 nBLM for ESS To be produced for ESS: 42 × nBLM pairs
FAST SLOW moderator Slow nBLM with its FEE size ≈ 20 × 25 × 25 cm3 weight ≈ 10 kg Note: neutro-phagus envelop is not represented 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

10 NPM DSM/Irfu, CEA Saclay
P. Abbon, F. Belloni, F. Benedetti, G. Coulloux, F. Gougnaud, C. Lahonde-Hamdoun, P. Le Bourlout, Y. Mariette, J. Marroncle, J.P. Mols, V. Nadot, L. Scola Iphi N. Chauvin, D. Chirpaz-Cerbat, M. Desmond, Y. Gauthier, M. Oublaid, G. Perreu, B. Pottin, J. Schwindling, F. Senée, O. Tuske ESS project manager, Lund C. Thomas

11 NPM for ESS IPM FPM (Ionization Profile Monitor)
(Fluorescence Profile Monitor) 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

12 Why IPM as NPM? On ESS beam line, there is 2 kinds of NPM (Non intrusive Profile Monitor) FPM (Fluorescence Profile Monitor) IPM (Ionization Profile Monitor) Comparison FPM / IPM Cross section: FPM < IPM Particle emission: photon (4π) / pair e-ion (4π, but electric field to catch “all of them”) Space charge effect  profile distortion: negligible FPM / may important IPM Design: FPM << IPM Cold part of ESS (between cryomodules)  Presidual gas ≈ 10-9 mbar Counting rate estimation σ · Presidual gas · Ibeam For IPM (1 cm – Ibeam=62.5 mA mbar – Δt=2.86ms 79% H2+10% CO+10% CO2+1% N2) 90 MeV  17 fC/pulse beam 500 MeV  6 fC/p 2 GeV  4.4 fC/p FPM  140 (90 MeV) et 46 (570 MeV) photons! ( C. Thomas)  / 1500 at 90 MeV! 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

13 Few IPM challenges Feasibility  too low signal?
uniform Bkgd non-uniform Bkgd Feasibility  too low signal? Bethe-Bloch formulae  at ESS nominal value and for 1 cm RO length, charge varies between 4.4 fC and 17 fC Background due to uncorrelated particles with beam uniform background  ok non-uniform background  ? beam dynamics group to make calculation, not yet Electric field uniformity ( Florian Benedetti) Profile distortion  mirage effect Electric field simulation (Comsol…) Sided degraders + grounded disks to reinforce homogeneity without any correction with grounded disk + degraders “mirage” effect Sym. IPM Sym. IPM E strips 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

14 SC effects on profile Space Charge effect ( Francesca Belloni)
beam profile distortion induced by the interaction between the ionization by-products (e- and ions) and the beam. Developed an algorithm (F. Belloni & C. Thomas) to evaluate effects and to correct profiles offline. How to minimize SC increase: E , B , beam size decrease: beam intensity, energy ion detection instead of electrons SC  Ep=90 MeV - σX=σY & σZ=2mm - 𝐄 =300kV/m X (mm) electrons ions 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

15 IPM Read-0uts Electric field cage 10× 10× 10 cm3
IPM1 read-out  MCP + strips (1mm) + RO (charge) IPM2 read-out  pMCP + optical system + CCD camera IPM3 read-out  strips (Gaussian) + RO (charge) With: MCP: MultiChannel Plate ( electrons) pMCP: MCP with a phosphorescent screen ( photons) pMCP + optics + CCD (MCP) + Strips + RO 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

16 Test bench in our lab installation at IPHI 2018/06/13

17 preliminary results: (MCP)+strips
All tests done at IPHI (Saclay): proton beam, 3 MeV, Imax≈70mA, Δtpulse≈120µs, 1Hz MCP + constant strips Comparison MCP+strips/CCD Read-Out: D. Etasse et al., Faster system LPC Caen, France. Ibeam = 32mA mbar - Δt=100µs (1Hz) σcore=2.63 mm σcore=2.48 mm Profile σcore position Ibeam = 32mA mbar - Δt=100µs (1Hz) - σ≈3.3mm Profile positions: CCD/Strips/BPM 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

18 preliminary results: pMCP + CCD
Electric field study with Comsol  Resistors for sided degraders. Note that calculation was done on Symmetric IPM mode pMCP+CCD Asymmetric polarization σ = 1.81 σ = 2.00 Symmetric polarization σ = 2.30 Comsol prediction Focusing effect when used in Asymmetric mode  ok Size ratios: ( )/2=1.21 – Calculated: 1.27 Double Gaussian fit: More accurate: halo + beam core 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

19 NPM summary Two IPM types tested at IPHI
pMCP + optical system + CCD camera (MCP +) + Strips  Promising results New data taking at IPHI on September 2018 MCP  better understanding Strip  RO improvement Accurate extrapolation to ESS conditions Space Charge bench-marking code Project Kick-off  5/2016 PDR  ok on 02/2017 CDR1  July 2018 End of project  mid 2020 2018/06/13 nBLM & NPM - SLHiPP8 - JM

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