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Severe Weather 4-E.2B.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Severe Weather 4-E.2B.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Severe Weather 4-E.2B.2

2 By the end of class today, you should be able to…
*List different types of severe weather and how they are formed. *Describe ways to be safe in inclement weather.

3 Thunderstorms *Thunderstorms form when fast moving warm air rushes upward while fast moving cold air goes downward. *This friction creates lightning, which creates thunder.

4 Tornadoes *A tornado is a rotating funnel-shaped cloud that can travel up to 300 miles per hour. *It extends from a thundercloud to the Earth’s surface.

5 Hurricanes *Hurricanes form over the ocean.
*The warm water causes a low-pressure area above it. *This air rises, higher pressure air takes its place. *This movement and change of air pressure causes a spiral movement. *When the wind speed rises to 119km or more, it is referred to as a hurricane. *Hurricanes bring heavy rain and strong winds.


7 Staying Safe in Severe Weather
Thunderstorms -Avoid metal objects. -Avoid being in water. -Avoid tall objects if outside. Tornadoes -If outside, take cover. -If inside, go to a basement, closet, or windowless room. -Get as low as possible or underground. Hurricanes -Evacuate the area if instructed to do so. -If inside, go to the center of the building and away from windows.

8 So, what have you learned today?
*How are thunderstorms formed? *How are tornadoes formed? *How are hurricanes formed? *How can you stay safe in thunderstorms? Tornadoes? Hurricanes?

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