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What would happen if we got rid of all the mosquitos?

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Presentation on theme: "What would happen if we got rid of all the mosquitos?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What would happen if we got rid of all the mosquitos?

2 What eats mosquitos? What do mosquitos eat?

3 Exponential Growth

4 Logistic Growth A: Lag phase: slow growth B: Acceleration phase
C: Exponential phase D: Carrying capacity D C A B

5 Figure 5-4 Logistic Growth of Yeast Population
Carrying Capacity Section 5-1 the number of living organisms that a region can support without environmental degradation. Carrying capacity Number of Yeast Cells Time (hours)

6 Human Population Growth is exponential
Industrial Revolution begins Agriculture begins Bubonic plague Plowing and irrigation

7 Factors that limit population growth
Section Outline Factors that limit population growth Density-Dependent Factors Competition for resources Predation Parasitism and Disease Essentially anything “biotic” Density-Independent Factors: Abiotic factors: weather and climate natural disasters (bottlenecks) human activity Go to Section:

8 Biodiversity and Extinction

9 What is biodiversity? The DIVERSITY of all living things on Earth
all plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, protists

10 Why do we need biodiversity?
FOOD Medicine we get from other animals, plants, etc. Wood and paper products Future resources

11 Why do we need biodiversity?
Species depend on each other. Extinction of one species will lead to extinction of other species.

12 Endangered Species

13 Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder
Pesticides and invasive parasites (mites) killing honeybees across the U.S.

14 Amphibian Crisis Half of ALL amphibians on the planet are endangered because of: Habitat Destruction Water pollution Invasive Species (parasitic fungus)

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