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Land records and use of RTI Act, 2005 Assam Experience

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1 Land records and use of RTI Act, 2005 Assam Experience

2 TYPES OF LAND RECORDS Jamabandi or records of right. Chitha or detailed land records register containing records of right, plot No., land use, pattern etc. Village map with demarcated plots or dags. Tenancy khatian or record of tenancy rights. Grants register. Contd.

3 Other relevant records
Under Rule 128 of the Settlement Rules framed under the Assam Land Revenue Regulation, 1886, the Deputy Commissioner or the SDO is bound to supply an extract from any land revenue register mentioned in the rules to any person who may apply for the same, subject to payment of prescribed search and copying fees. Land sale permission granted by Deputy Commissioner. Land Sale Deed. Land Sale Register. Contd.

4 Case records of land mutation. Case records of mutation appeal cases
Land lease register. Case records of land mutation. Case records of mutation appeal cases heard by the Deputy Commissioner and Appellate Authority. Case records of land partition. Chitha, Jamabandi, Land Sale permission and Sale Deed registration have been digitised. Digitisation of village maps with dag demarcation is under process. Digitised land documents can be applied online and revenue officials furnish print out/hard copy. Contd.

5 Frequently sought land records
Copy of chitha. Copy of Jamabandi. Copy of village map. Copy of mutation case records. Records of land re-classification. Records of allotment and settlement of land by Govt. Records of encroachment of Government land Contd.

6 Records of demarcation of land.
Records of encroachment and sale of land in tribal belts and blocks. Records of flood and erosion affected land. Land records of eco-sensitive zones. Records of land classification and reclassification Records relating to land acquisition and compensation. Contd. .

7 Right to Public Service Act, 2012 and the
rules framed there under also includes a list of land documents which have to be furnished to anyone who seeks them against payment of prescribed fee, e.g.- Certified copy of registered documents, Certified copy of Jamabandi/Chitha, Certified copy of mutation order etc. Third party Information seekers and land mafia. Contd.

8 Important decisions of AIC
Frequent reports of missing land mutation case records and direction to Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup(M) for filing of FIR. When filing of FIR became a routine affair, Deputy Commissioner has been asked to inquire into the incidents of missing records and take action under the Assam Public Records Act, 2002. Direction to land revenue authorities to re-construct land records and furnish to information seekers. Contd.

9 Thank You

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