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Analysis and Mapping of Transportation Needs in Haliburton County

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1 Analysis and Mapping of Transportation Needs in Haliburton County
Breanna Webber Viyanka Suthaskaran [Intro]

2 Client Survey Data Here are the survey participants broken down by age. This selection here is a fairly accurate representation of the age distribution in Haliburton as of the 2016 census data. There is a larger elderly division in the data, however, the elderly is also the largest population age group in Haliburton county, due to the prime retirement and cottager country that Haliburton County possesses.

3 What are the travel needs of a specific population in Haliburton County?
The activities people are unable to attend due to lack of transportation, and the number of people this affects. SLIDE 3 We broke down this presentation into the three main research questions we were asked to investigate. The first research question is: what are the travel needs of a specific population in Haliburton County? Due to transportation restrictions, the people of Haliburton County are unable to access basic amenities and services. As seen here, this graph was created from the client survey results, describing what people are currently unable to access. In order, the service that has the most number of people unable to access it is both health services, and grocery shopping, which are both extremely important. Following that, social and recreation events are next, followed by people unable to reach their place of employment, and then people unable to access education or training. These restrictions alter a person’s quality of life, by preventing them from accessing health services, finding a job, or accessing food. The chart here is divided by the age range of the survey participants. The largest age range affected, besides the elderly, is the year age group.

4 Where do people go, from where, and for what purpose?
Our second research question addressed is: where do people go, from where, and for what purpose. [see map of from where people are]. This graph here covers where people go and for what purpose. From our analysis, most people travel to the city of Haliburton for most their shopping and their recreational needs, and it is the most travelled to destination for health services, only topped by the ‘Other’ category, which are places located outside of Haliburton.

5 Where do people go, from where, for what purpose, and how do they get there?
First map is where people are from, and the second map is where people go. The town with the highest population according to the surveys is Haliburton, and this is also the town that has the highest number of people go to as a destination.

6 What are the travel needs of a specific population in Haliburton County?
People from businesses find that the lack of transportation, for the most part, doesn’t create an obstacle for employees getting to work. There are only a few people who said that it can create a problem occasionally. Also, there were only a few people who said that they were unable to hire some people due to the lack of transportation. As we can see by these results, it seems that transportation isn’t a big issue for people with businesses. This may be because the majority of the people who work would most likely have a vehicle to get to and from work. In this case, it may be reasonable to look at the travel needs for young or elderly people looking for employment, since owning or driving a vehicle may be difficult for these age groups. Also, people who know they can’t travel to their place of employment probably won’t apply to work there in the first place.

7 Where do people go, from where, for what purpose, and how do they get there?
Using the data that we were given, we found that the majority of businesses who completed this survey are located in Dysart and Minden Hills. As we saw on the maps earlier, people only travel to select areas in the Minden Hills and Dysart although a lot of the businesses are in other parts of these municipalities. Having transportation services in these areas can encourage people to travel up to those businesses. Also, people may not live in the municipality they work in, especially if some people work in a number of different municipalities (as seen on the graph). In terms of collecting data, I think we may get better results if we figure out if they live in the municipality they work in or elsewhere, so that we have an idea of how far they travel to get to work.

8 What transportation service gaps exist?
Our last research question is: What transportation service gaps exist, and the largest gap seems to be the fact that transportation costs too much. On the surveys themselves, these costs manifested themselves as the cost of taxis, car ownership, maintenance, insurance, and gas, as well as the ten-dollar fee for the medical transportation bus that brings the elderly to medical appointments. The second most common reason for not being able to travel is not having a license. For the elderly, this reason often coincides with the physical restriction category; with their reasons for not having a license is because they have an ailment that prevents them from driving. It was also noted that the process of getting a driver’s license now is a costly and time-consuming endeavor.

9 Business: Overall Opinions on Transportation
The majority of people agreed that transportation would be beneficial for their businesses. Knowing that there are only 26 businesses who have completed this survey, we won’t know for sure what the actual majority would say about the benefits of transportation. However, with the current standings, a large portion of the participants agree that having a form of public transportation would be beneficial to their business.

10 If there was a transportation service in place, how often would you use it, and for what?
This graph was created from one of the client survey questions, this question being ‘If there was a transportation service on place, how often would you use it, and for what?’ It is broken down into the category of use, and how often people would use it for that purpose. The largest number of people declared that they would use it on a weekly basis for shopping, followed by the occasional use for health services, and thirdly, on a daily basis to access employment. If there was a transportation service in place, this is how often it would be used. It is also assumed, and this would be a good question in a follow-up survey, that even people who do own vehicles would choose to use public transportation over driving to save money on gas and car maintenance. People may even give up their vehicle to save money if there was a reliable transit route in place.

11 This concludes our preliminary analysis!
That concludes our preliminary findings

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