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Political system of the Czech Republic

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1 Political system of the Czech Republic

2 Czech Republic multi-party parliamentary representative
democratic republic according to the Constitution - the head of the republic – the president - the head of the government – prime minister

3 Czech Republic the government is divided into three branches:
- the legislative (the Parliament) - the executive (the president, the government) - the judicial (courts at various level)

4 The president elected every 5 years (can be elected only twice in a row) since 2013 – elected in a direct election (by people) – before that he was elected by the parliament the seat of the president – Prague Castle

5 The president Duties: - represents the state abroad
- appoints the prime minister - appoints judges, generals of the army - is a commander-in-chief of the army - has the power of veto declares amnesty can grant a pardon to a convicted person

6 Miloš Zeman the third president of the CR
in office since March 8, 2013 first directly elected President in the Czech history his predecessors – V. Havel and V. Klaus – elected by the Parliament served as the Prime minister ( ) leader of the Czech Social Democratic Party (1990s) chairman of the Chamber of Deputies (1996 – 1998)

7 The government the head of the government – prime minister
other members - the vice-premiers, the ministers elected every 4 years appointed by the president some of the ministries: Ministry of Defence Ministry of Finance Ministry of Education Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Transport

8 The parliament consists of 2 chambers
- the Chamber of Deputies (200 members) elected every 4 years the Senate (81 members) elected every 6 years , every 2 years one third of the Senators is renewed the seat of the parliament – in palaces in Malá Strana, Prague

9 The parliament The main task: holds and passes the bills
has the right to modify the Constitution ratifies international agreements if necessary – declares a war, approves presence of foreign military forces in the CR or a dispatch of Czech military forces abroad The seat of the Senate – Wallenstein Palace

10 Political parties political movement ANO
the Czech Social Democratic Party Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People’s Party the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia TOP 09 the Civic Democratic Party movement UPD (Dawn of Direct Democracy)      ČSSD (50 seats)      ANO (47 seats)      KSČM (33 seats)      TOP 09 (26 seats)      ODS (16 seats)      UPD (14 seats)      KDU-ČSL (14 seats)

11 Election in the CR the President - every 5 years - direct election
the Parliament - every 4 years the Senate – every 6 years (1/3 every 2 years) every citizen over 18 has the right to vote

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