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Primary and secondary documents

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1 Primary and secondary documents
How do we study history? Primary and secondary documents

2 What’s the difference? (add to definitions)
Primary: created at the time of the event; “eyewitness” account of an event (ex. diary) Secondary: offers interpretation/analysis of an event by someone who did not witness event (ex. biography)

3 Primary sources include :
Diary Autobiography Photograph, political cartoons Letter Interview with an eyewitness Treaty Receipt Video footage Government Data (census, birth record, passport, etc)

4 Secondary sources include:
Textbook Encyclopedia Biography Film/Movie based on event Newspaper article Maps created after the event Book or article about an event

5 What will the future learn about 6th grade you?
List 1 activity you have done in the last 24 hours Think of two documents that would provide evidence of the activity. is that evidence primary or secondary?

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