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Innate Host Defense Mechanisms

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Presentation on theme: "Innate Host Defense Mechanisms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innate Host Defense Mechanisms
Hugh B.Fackrell Filename: InnateM.ppt

2 Content Outline Definitions Nonspecific Exterior Defenses
Nonspecific Interior Defenses Soluble factors Lysozyme, interferon, complement Cells Phagocytes, natural killer cells Inflammation chemotaxis, diapedisis, phagocytosis Assigned Readings Innate immunity 6-11 Phagocytosis 65,68,467 Phagocytic defiiences Inflammation 357, Complement Lysozyme 8, 10 Interferon (INF) , , Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) NK Cells NK Cells and TNF 391 Phagocytic deficiencies

3 Innate Immunity: Definition
AKA non adaptive immunity AKA natural immunity Non specific Always Present Present at birth Those factors that are ALWAYS present to defend the body against infection

4 Adaptive Vs Innate Immunity

5 Innate vs Acquired Immunity
Respond to ALL microbes Equally consistently ACQUIRED respond AFTER exposure to: microbe virulence factor

6 Virulence Factor A structural or physiological character that enables a microbe to cause disease Breaches Innate Defenses

7 Exterior Defenses Skin Mucous membranes Eyes Outer Ear Canal
Alimentary Canal Respiratory Tract

8 Respiratory Tract Defenses
Nasal hairs nasal turbinates mucus secretions cough reflexes ciliated epithelium macrophages phagocytosis

9 Exterior Defenses

10 Interior Defenses: Soluble Factors
Lysozyme Interferon Complement Cells Inflammation

11 Lysozyme

12 Interferon

13 Complement functions

14 Alternate Complement Pathway
Activated by: endotoxin human IgA microbial polysaccharides Effects opsonic activity chemotaxis of leucocytes enhanced permeability of microbe cytolysis

15 Interior Defenses: Cells
Soluble Factors Cells Natural killer cells Phagocytes Inflammation

16 Null Cell

17 Cytoxic T Cell

18 Perforin Pores

19 Cytotoxic cell: Pore formation

20 Phagocytosis

21 Tissue phagocytes - macrophages
liver -- Kupffer cells neural -- microglial cells connective tissue -- histiocytes blood -- monocytes spleen -- dendritic macrophages

22 Phagocytes: Distribution

23 Monocyte

24 Neutrophil

25 Mechanism of Phagocytosis
Attachment Ingestion Phagosome Phagolysosome destruction Ejection

26 Macrophage Pseudopodia

27 Neutrophil phagocytosis

28 Phagocytosis

29 Mechanisms of Phagocytosis (1/3)
macrophage bacteria lysosomes phagosome nucleus 1) Attachment of bacteria macrophage bacteria lysosomes phagosome 2) Ingestion nucleus

30 Mechanisms of Phagocytosis (2/3)
macrophage lysosomes phagosome nucleus 3) phagosome engulfs bacteria macrophage lysosomes 4) formation of phagolysosome (lysosome with digestive enzymes joins phagosome) phagosome nucleus

31 Mechanisms of Phagocytosis (3/3)
macrophage lysosome phagolysosome nucleus 5) Destruction of ingested microbes macrophage lysosome phagolysosome nucleus 6) Ejection of digested particles

32 Inflammation

33 Interior Defenses: Inflammation
Soluble Factors Cells Inflammation Chemotaxis Diapedesis Phagocytosis

34 Leucocyte adherance

35 Chemotaxis

36 Diapedesis

37 Acute Inflammation C Reactive Protein
indicator of inflammation CRP produced by IL-1 stimulation of the liver CRP complexes with the polysaccharides of many bacterium and fungi activates the alternative complement pathway which promotes phagocytosis IL-1, TNF, interferon - act on the hypothalamus to induce fever

38 Acute Inflammation swelling, redness, heat and pain
foreign body such as a micro-organism invades the tissues brief contraction of the blood vessels vasodilation

39 vasodilatation - increases blood flow
swelling produces leaks - vascular permeability fluid and red blood cells (erythrocytes) enter tissues producing redness tissues swell with this influx; pressure & pain heat from several sources white cells (leukocytes): a) neutrophils margination - clinging to vessel walls b) squeeze out through the widened pores due to changes in microvascular structure.

40 Acute Inflammation - cont
neutrophils travel to injury site, attracted by chemotactic agents activated leukocytes produce toxic substances and proteases. Chemical mediators triggered. activation of complement C3 properdin mast cells release histamine clotting mechanism initiated

41 Pre Formed Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
Properdin: Stabilizes complement Complement: present in normal serum and activated by convertase or immune complex Histamine: inside the granules of mast cells Serotonin: 5-hydroxy tryptamine (hormone and neurotransmitter) found in blood platelets and produces vasoconstriction Lysosomal enzymes: lysosome in macrophages

42 Chemical Mediators of Inflammation: De novo Synthesis
Prostaglandin: mediate all aspects of inflammation Leucotrienes: mediate all aspects of inflammation Platelet: activating factors Cytokines: modulate immune system; not antigen specific Nitric oxide Bradykinin: activated by Hageman factor; dilates arterioles

43 Cytokines Monokines: macrophages and monocytes
interleukin 1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) e.g. lymphokines & lympocytes interleukin 2 (IL2), interferons and colony stimulating factors of T lymphocytes Interferons are low molecular weight glycoproteins activated by viral infections Autocrines - act on the cells producing them Paracrines - act on neighbouring cells Endocrines - act cells distant from the synthesizing cell In inflammation: act locally on the endothelium; promote leucoycte adherence participate in acute phase reactions act on fibroblasts increase bloodclots on the endothelium

44 Cytokines - TNF promotes 1) inflammation Mediators:
neutrophil aggregation and activation escape of proteolytic enzymes from mesenchymal cells which promotes tissue injury 1) inflammation 2) infection 3) tissue injury 4) neoplasm (rare) Mediators: IL-1, IL-6, TNF, prostaglandin (PGE) & interferons

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