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Comprehensive study and technical documentation of development of an International Airport Wrocław January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive study and technical documentation of development of an International Airport Wrocław January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive study and technical documentation of development of an International Airport Wrocław January 2009

2 City location Five European capitals are located within 400- km radius of Wroclaw. Each of twenty-five European capitals can be reached within 2h 30 by air.

3 Access to airport Well-developed road, rail and water transport infrastructure. Advanced infrastructure investment projects in the city and region. First Polish city to have joined European motorway network. Rapid development of Wroclaw airport.

4 Wrocław airport 2007

5 Development plan of Wrocław airport 1.New terminal, hotel and conference centre, car parks 2.Construction of a new apron 3.Extension of the runway 4.Construction of taxiways 5.Construction of rapid exit ways 6.Construction of deicing areas 7.Completion and hand over of the south apron 7

6 Development plan of Wrocław airport EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNED INVESTMENTS 1 km

7 Forecast of passengers traffic in 2007-2012 year



10 Investment projects of Copernicus airport Wrocław Copernicus Airport Wrocław S.A. is the only airport in the Region capable of operating both domestic and international flights. The completion of airport modernization and development project is to enable faster and safer air connections. Undoubtedly, it will also contribute to the increase in traffic capacity and prepare the airport for steadily-growing passenger traffic.

11 Investment projects of Copernicus airport Wrocław The investment project will also help to enhance and streamline the network of connections between the Region, Poland and other EU states. It will prepare the airport for the increase in flight frequency, passenger number and cargo volume. It will also help towards cost reduction and interoperability increase.

12 Projects of Copernicus airport Wrocław The Project involves drawing up a number of documents and analyses enabling to better prepare the airport for growing passenger and air traffic. The activities necessary for the Project execution are as follows: Awarding contractors in public procurements and project execution Laying out the master layer map Laying out the GIS map Drawing up the inventory of planes Carrying out the analyses of passengers and operators Drawing up technical documentation of the noise monitoring system construction Making a dendrological inventory Carrying out geological tests for the entire airport External audit

13 Costs of planning Activities20092010Total eligible cost DIRECT COST Project management 50 00030 00080 000 Laying out the master layer map 70 000 Laying out the GIS map 300 000 Drawing up the inventory of planes 1 730 000 Carrying out the analyses of passengers and operators 100 000 Drawing up technical documentation of the noise monitoring system construction 40 000 Making a dendrological inventory 30 000 Carrying out geological tests for the entire airport 150 000 External audit 20 000 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COST 2170 000350 0002 520 000

14 Thank you fo attention "Wyłączną odpowiedzialność za publikację ponosi jej autor. Unia Europejska nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za wykorzystanie w jakikolwiek sposób informacji zawartych w niniejszej publikacji".

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