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TODAY’S OBJECTIVES- Argumentative Essay

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Presentation on theme: "TODAY’S OBJECTIVES- Argumentative Essay"— Presentation transcript:

1 TODAY’S OBJECTIVES- Argumentative Essay
Objectives: You will be able to (SWBAT): Understand and explain concept of color-coding in “Step up to Writing” and define what is a topic sentence, supporting sentence, detail/example/citation sentence, and concluding sentence in the context of an everyday item Procedure (WE DO and YOU DO): Explain/review “Step up to Writing” procedure using example of ice cream. Create a color-coded graphic organizer based on the provided teacher example. Write notes in your notebook about “Step up to Writing” color coding.

2 TODAY’S OBJECTIVES- Argumentative Essay
Objectives: You will be able to (SWBAT): Use “Step up to Writing” Strategy to prepare your own paragraph about ice cream via a graphic organizer. On your computers, write a short paragraph about ice cream using the “Step up to Writing” method Procedure (WE DO and YOU DO): Complete a graphic organizer using color coding to prepare for your own paragraph about ice cream and use the internet to research other citations to insert. Find AT ONE article online Google: “ice cream,” “all about ice cream,” “history of ice cream,” “most popular ice cream flavors,” Wikipedia entry about ice cream, etc. Take the information from your graphic organizer to write a paragraph in Microsoft Word.

3 Step up to Writing Strategy:
Main/Central Idea/Topic Sentence/Summary What the whole paragraph or essay is about In your own words First and/or last sentence “I like many types of ice cream” Explaining/Describing/Saying more about the topic Supporting sentence (supports the main idea/topic) In your own words “Chocolate is my favorite flavor.” Saying even more about the topic in detail Details and Examples Specific information (one time, one place) Copied text/citations/quotations (“Text evidence”) The text states “Chocolate is the most popular flavor in the world” (Text #2, Line 20) OR For example, chocolate is the most popular flavor in the world.

4 Step up to Writing Strategy:
For last sentence: As you can see, ice cream is a wonderful treat.

5 TODAY’S OBJECTIVES- Argumentative Essay
Today YOU: Do the activity for your OWN paragraph about ice cream You should have the following: 1 topic sentence (green) 1 concluding sentence (green) 2 supporting sentences (yellow) 2 citations/text evidence (red) Start with “The text states,” and the website address and line number Also start with “for example,” for the second one

6 OBJECTIVES- Argumentative Essay
Objectives: You will be able to (SWBAT): Distinguish between and label an 1) Introduction paragraph, 2) Body paragraph and 3) Conclusion paragraph Read a model Argumentative Essay and use the “Step up to Writing” strategy to distinguish between “green” (main topic), “yellow” (supporting sentences) and “red” (further details, examples, and citations) Procedure (WE DO and YOU DO): Look at the whole model essay, “Students Should Wear Uniforms.” Read the title and scan the paragraphs. Read the first sentence of every paragraph. Label a 1) Introduction paragraph, 2) Body paragraph and 3) Conclusion paragraph based on structure, order, and topic sentence. Read an argumentative essay together as a class/group. Determine the author’s stance (opinion) in the argumentative essay. Find the topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, and concluding sentences in the essay and color code them using green, yellow, and pink highlighters. IF TIME: Write a short answer to the question about author’s stance and relate it to your own opinion using details from the text.

COLOR CODING: WRITING Green: Topic Sentence (Main/Central Idea) YELLOW (PARAPHRASING/ANALYSIS) Important Terms: RED (CITATIONS/QUOTATIONS) Your own words Copying OK *with “ “ General evidence (not from text for now) Text evidence that is cited Explanation / Explain / Describe Must use quotation marks at the start and end of sentence you copied NOT copying Quote/Quoting Can be a REASON Cite/Citing Supporting details More specific supporting details that are cited Specific examples that are in your own words Specific Examples that are cited WORDS TO START WITH: This means/shows that _______ In the text it states, “_______” In other words, ________ According to the author, “______” Here we can see that _____________ For example, “________”

8 EVIDENCE: Citations vs. Paraphrasing
WHAT IS EVIDENCE? EVIDENCE: Something that you can show to be true TEXT EVIDENCE: Showing that your writing is true by writing about what someone else wrote Citations / Quotes “ “ Exact/real words the author wrote/said. Must use quotation marks “” When you’re COPYING Paraphrase Showing ideas from the text NOT COPYING Using your OWN words The text states, “There might be war and maybe someone wanted them to die” (Line 20) Maybe there was war and a person wanted to kill them. Vanessa said in the text, “John Smith stole Yamuna’s phone, I saw it with my own eyes!!” (Line 15) Vanessa said that she saw someone stealing Yamuna’s phone.

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