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Presentation on theme: "INTERPROFESSIONAL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS"— Presentation transcript:

Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education Workshop 2 of 3 on Quality Improvement Introduce ourselves and ground our work in our lived experience

Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education RETURN OF THE ZOMBIE ATTACK: Improving Quality, Building Teams, Avoiding Having Your Brain Eaten Remind the group why Zombie theme was selected.

3 Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education
SCENARIO Zombie Apocalypse has struck Boise, Idaho. You and your team of survivors have holed up in an abandoned conference room. With dwindling supplies of stale donuts and tepid coffee, you must decide a means to survive the zombie attack, and minimize the number of humans you lose to zombification… Reminder of the scenario for the workshop

4 PDSA Plan Identify the problem Analyze the problem Do
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education PDSA Plan Identify the problem Analyze the problem Do Develop solutions Implement a solution Study Evaluate the results – goal achieved? Act Standardize the solution & make it work Restart the cycle The group discusses/brainstorms possible causes of the zombie apocalypse.

5 PDSA Plan Identify the problem Analyze the problem Do
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education PDSA Plan Identify the problem Analyze the problem Do Develop solutions Implement a solution Study Evaluate the results – goal achieved? Act Standardize the solution & make it work Restart the cycle Review of the PDSA cycle

Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education POSSIBLE CAUSES OF THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE Evil geniuses Government Labs (may or may not have evil geniuses) Hospitals – mutated cancer = zombification Voodoo curse Solanum Virus Experimental Chemicals/Medicines The Democrats Review of the PDSA cycle

7 GROUP ACTIVITY – PART A Gather some specific data
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education GROUP ACTIVITY – PART A Gather some specific data Review cases/causes of Zombie conversions Tally zombification's & report these out What does this suggest about your approach to stopping the spread of zombification? 10 minutes… Introduction of group activity A

Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education TOOLS USED FOR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT CHECK SHEET Item A B C D E F G Zombification Causes Injection l Ingestion ll Sleep Deprivation lll Inhalation lllll Biting lll lll lll After the group has completed the activity discuss approaches to collecting data in QI. Review the use of a check sheet to collect information on the incidence of specific events.

9 Public Transportation
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education TOOLS USED FOR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 168 151 134 118 101 84 67 50 34 17 0.0 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% This is an example of a perato chart that shows the incident rate on the left axis and the percentage on the right. The Bar represents the number/percentage of time that a specific reason let to arriving late at an appointment. The Red line is the cumulative percentage added up from the most frequent to the least. This type of char allows for a QI group to determine areas for intervention that might have the highest yield. For example targeting childcare problems might have a bigger positive impact then targeting oversleeping. Traffic Child Care Public Transportation Weather Overslept Emergency

10 Goal Setting ► Aims Statement ► SMART Goals
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education Goal Setting ► Aims Statement ► SMART Goals SPECIFIC Well defined so that anyone can understand the goal MEASURABLE Need to have parameters (quantity/quality/time) in order to know if the goal was met. ATTAINABLE You must be realistic-create a goal that challenges you, but is achievable. RELEVANT Make sure that your goal is consistent with your other goals and will aid you in achieving your long term goal. TIME ORIENTED Create a time frame for when you what to accomplish your goal. Discussion of using SMART goals as a way to create a clear and specific Aims statement.

Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education GROUP ACTIVITY – PART B: SAVE HUMANITY Overall goal: Save humanity/prevent zombie apocalypse/improve the world* Write a specific (SMART) aims statement to help focus efforts to improve that problem Handout group activity part B

12 AY 16-17 iQIP GROUPS Secondary Prevention of Hip Fracture
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education AY iQIP GROUPS Secondary Prevention of Hip Fracture Panel Management To improve secondary prevention of hip fracture by developing a hip fracture admission order set with a goal of 50% of patients having current vitamin D and TSH levels, appropriate bone protection, and DEXA scan ordered prior to discharge. To improve diabetes and opioid registry compliance among Silver Team trainees by 10% and ensure trainees access the registry at least twice throughout the intervention period. We include Aims statements from project groups in the past to highlight how groups used the SMART goals approach to development their statements. Consider including past Aims statements into your presentation/workshop.

13 PDSA Plan Identify the problem Analyze the problem Do
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education PDSA Plan Identify the problem Analyze the problem Do Develop solutions Implement a solution Study Evaluate the results – goal achieved? Act Standardize the solution & make it work Restart the cycle Review of the PDSA cycle

14 RECAP & QUESTIONS PDSA approach Gathering data
Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education RECAP & QUESTIONS PDSA approach Gathering data Potential interventions… Change is made Median Line GOAL: 12% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Jan-93 Mar-93 May-93 Jul-93 Sep-93 Nov-93 Jan-94 Mar-94 May-94 Jul-94 Sep-94 Nov-94 Jan-95 Mar-95 May-95 Jul-95 Sep-95 Nov-95 Jan-96 Mar-96 May-96 Jul-96 Sep-96

Boise VAMC Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education iQIP WORKS IN PROGRESS #1 Who: Your iQIP Team What: WiP #1 Background info, why you care Aim statement Baseline data Bonus Understanding the Context Process Map Fishbone Diagram Possible interventions? When: Wednesdays in December/January Where: Wednesday Interprofessional Noon Conference Room


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