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By Ayman and Aman PLEASE READ!!!

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Presentation on theme: "By Ayman and Aman PLEASE READ!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ayman and Aman PLEASE READ!!!
Healthy teeth By Ayman and Aman PLEASE READ!!!

2 How to brush your teeth good: Instructions:
First, get your toothbrush and toothpaste and wipe the paste on the toothbrush. Next, brush up and down, side to side and corner to corner for two minutes.

3 Healthy teeth:

4 Unhealthy teeth: If you don't brush your teeth your teeth will look like this!!!

5 Why you should brush your teeth:
If you don't brush your teeth, tooth decay will damage your teeth. If you don't brush your teeth regularly bacteria can build up to form a sticky film on your teeth.

6 Tooth Decay Tooth decay is bacteria which damages your teeth.Bacteria and food can cause decay. The bacteria releases acid which attacks your tooth enamel, in time breaking down the enamel to cause tooth decay. You could prevent it by flossing.

7 Thank you now watch this song about teeth

8 Brush your teeth!

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