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My name is Joanne Korpesio

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2 My name is Joanne Korpesio
I am in my 14th year of teaching. Education: Bachelor of Arts in English and Bachelor of Education specializing in primary education- Lakehead University, Ontario Experience: I have taught in Calgary with the CBE for the past 14 years. I have taught Kindergarten and Grade One.

3 Pedagogy: My goal: create a safe, caring learning environment where children are engaged, have a deep personal connection to learning content and strive to do their best Structure – clear rules and routines, predictable outcomes Mutual respect, independence - high expectations - Children are to be met at their current level and challenged to take it to the next level - Every child is respected and cultural diversity is celebrated.

4 “To think, to value, to know”
What is TLC? “To think, to value, to know” TLC standards of practice – online Character Education Parent Engagement Homework PERSONALIZE LEARNING

5 Communication Communicating with the Teacher
There is no agenda this year. The best form of communication is . I will try to get back to you as soon as possible, but within 24 hours. If you have an urgent matter please call the office. I will not answer s after 5pm (school policy). Communication is important to me so don’t be alarmed if I call you periodically to update you with progress, questions, or just checking in. School policy to contact parents regarding students who are not at grade level, especially close to a reporting period (Report Cards) You can also phone and leave a message for me by calling the school. You will not be able to call my classroom directly as that interrupts learning. I will get back to you before or after school. If it is urgent, please tell the office and they will contact me immediately.

6 Pick-up and drop off Supervision begins at 7:45. If you arrive arrive before that time, you must stay with your child. If your child is dropped off after 8:00, please remind him/her to pick up a late slip from the office to bring to class. This ensures that all students are accounted for. If you need to pick up your child early, please write a note in the communication book so that I am aware and then I can send the note to the office so that they are aware. If you are picking up your child early, you can also indicate this in the communication book. When you arrive at the school, head to the office and sign your child out.

7 Absences If you are planning a family vacation, please send a note in the communication book and contact office. If your child is ill, PLEASE ensure they stay home until they are healthy to avoid spreading the illness. All absences should be reported to the office.

8 Recess and Lunch Recess – a 15 minute snack break. Exercise
Send 1 small, healthy snack that he/she can take outside to eat. To keep it easily accessible to your child – pack the snack in the front pocket of the backpack apart from the rest of the lunch. Reduce garbage and the wasting of food; whatever is not eaten will be sent home with your child. (school policy) Lunch – Students have 25 minutes to eat lunch and 15 to go outside. The lunch supervisors try their best to encourage students to eat their entire lunch but if that is your wish, please remind your child at home that it is the expectation to eat their entire lunch

9 Uniform Formal uniform is expected at beginning of each week and for whole school assemblies that you will be notified of in advance. Please ensure that all cardigans, vests, and shoes are labeled with your child’s name. Students need to have a pair of black dress shoes and a pair of non-marking gym shoes to be kept at school (labeled with your child’s name).

10 Uniform

11 Homework will begin the week of September 17th
Homework will begin the week of September 17th. It will be posted online on the classroom website referred to as ‘weebly’ on September 16th. It is the parents responsibly to check for completion and correctness. Personalizing Learning As the year progresses, there will be more differentiation in Math and Spelling. You will be informed of which assignment your child is expected to complete according to their learning needs.

12 Weekly Homework will consist of 3 things: 1. Assignments- EVERY Sunday new assignments will be posted to be done in the homework book and handed in on Friday (Thursday on short weeks). 2. Spelling Words- Tests will occur on Fridays so study them as much as you can throughout the week! ​3. READING!! - Students are required to read for minutes (each night). Home Reading books will be sent home, however, due to the limited supply, children are given a log-in for an online reading program called RAZ KIDS. Encourage your child to use this website daily.

13 Volunteers are needed to make these activities possible, and parents will be notified in advance, so that arrangements can be made to help out. We have 2 presentations (in-class field trips) that will require volunteers. These volunteers are asked to follow a script provided by the presenter and run a center for a small group of children. More information will come closer to the dates. A

14 Volunteers All volunteers assisting with students MUST have an up to date Police Security Clearance. Please see the staff in the office to help you get started. Parent Council can also use volunteers for special events in the school.

15 What I need from you… Zip lock bags for food/garbage in their lunch kit as well as 2 new Zip lock bags for classroom use Headphones- Over the ear type preferred Water bottle with closed top

16 Birthdays Why? Instead: Invitations: Strictly enforced – No cupcakes,
cookies, candy etc. Why? Interferes with learning Individual allergies Instead: - Send a healthy, nut free treat with your child to share Examples: fruit, cheese string, An alternative to food treats would be special pencils, erasers, or stickers. Invitations: Please have your child discreetly give me the invitation/ let me know they have them so that invitations can be placed into student backpacks without hurting any feelings

17 Fostering Independence
One way to encourage your child to be more independent is allowing them to practise routines on their own, i.e. zipping up jackets, tying shoes, zipping up backpacks Guiding your child to be independent with routines at home will provide them with the confidence to try skills and routines on their own in other settings. I can be heard saying “ask 3 before me”. This is to gently guide students away from being completely dependent on the teacher for support Literacy centers

18 Thank you! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. My main goal is to inspire your child to love learning. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any comments or concerns. Questions?

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