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Diabetes Care in Scotland

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1 Diabetes Care in Scotland
5th February 2019 Brian Kennon, Consultant Diabetologist, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow

2 Outline Scottish Diabetes Survey Improving Diabetes Care
Glycaemic control CV Risk Factor Management MDMW & Research Register Improving Diabetes Care Type 2 Prevention Framework Innovation & Technology

3 Diabetes Prevalence

4 Type 1 Glycaemic Control

5 Type 1 Glycaemic Control
3 centres ‘cross-over’ 12 centres ‘cross-over’

6 Type 1 Pump Usage Baseline 2011 Paeds 8.4% and Adults 2.5%

7 Type 2 Glycaemic Control

8 CV Risk Factor Management

9 CV Risk Factor Management

10 MyDiabetesMyWay

11 Diabetes Research Register

12 Improving Care Pathways of Care Processes of Care Improving Care?
Peer Review Measures of Care Standards How do we use what we measure to drive improvements in care or are we diabetes ‘historians’?

13 Type 1 pathway Measure Standard % new T1s in DKA at Dx
Prevention of DKA at diagnosis % new T1s in DKA at Dx <10% DKA at Dx Early insulin/CHO intensification strategy % HbA1c <58 at 12 months >60% HbA1c <58 at 12 months Structured education programme % completed structured education >50% completed structured education Continuous subcutaneous Insulin infusion therapy <10% waiting >6/12 for CSII therapy ? % on CSII therapy ? % on CSII therapy waiting >6/12 Sensor augmented pump therapy % on GCM Islet cell / pancreatic transplantation

14 Diabetes Dashboard: ongoing development SCI-diabetes
Improving Care Diabetes Improvement Lead Gillian Kinstrie Sharing Good Practice Diabetes MCN workshops Newsletter Diabetes Dashboard: ongoing development SCI-diabetes

15 Type 2 Prevention

16 Type 2 Prevention

17 Diabetes Innovation Health Technology Informatics
Improving the outcomes in Diabetes related foot disease Inpatient Care- Transforming Diabetes Care in Generic Hospital Ward Settings Near real-time blood glucose monitoring: Application Programming Interface (API) Data Analytics, Cloud Hosting Data Dashboard Health Technology Informatics Diabetes AI: Digital Health Technology Catalyst AIM: develop clinical decision support with AI including automated messaging to clinicians and patients.

18 Diabetes Technologies & Innovation
Existing Assets Scottish Diabetes Group Diabetes Improvement Plan Policy Additional Assets Third sector Procurement SHTG Industry Clinical Research MCN network Type 1 leads network SCI-diabetes SDRN Epidemiology Group SSGCYAD

19 Vision Develop the use of data, technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve diabetes care and outcomes in Scotland. Develop a ‘whole system’ infrastructure to support innovation and adoption Scotland to become an internationally renowned ‘test bed/research’ arena for the development and assessment of technologies used in diabetes care.

20 Diabetes Technologies & Innovation
Collaborative Working: Libre Story Freestyle Libre: first Flash Glucose Monitoring system Transformative for individuals with diabetes Reduced the need for fingerprick tests Better understanding of their diabetes Initially self funded Added to tariff Limited evidence base Variable approach by Health Boards across Scotland ‘Postcode Lottery’ National guidance – variable impact 20

21 Diabetes Technologies & Innovation

22 Diabetes Technologies & Innovation
Collaborative Working: ‘real world’ data P < n = 743 (Median change -4 mmol/mol but -7 in those with HbA1c > 57) Courtesy Fraser Gibb 22

23 Future Opportunities Potential for Scotland to be an ‘early adopter’ site How to ensure we utilise these opportunities

24 SUMMARY Ongoing increase in prevalence of diabetes
Improving glycaemic control particularly in T1DM Challenge of ensuring monitoring and treatment of CV risk factors – are current models of care appropriate? Diabetes is data rich – how do we use that to drive improvements in care? Political and clinical will to tackle T2DM prevention – how best to seize that opportunity? Massive increase in technologies to manage diabetes - are services fit for purpose? 24 24

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