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The Quick & Dirty to Appositive Phrases

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1 The Quick & Dirty to Appositive Phrases
Chawanna Chambers, M.Ed.

2 What is an appositive phrase?
An appositive is a re-naming or amplification of a word that immediately precedes or follows it. Usually adds more information though it is not necessary to understand the sentence. They may be at the beginning (sentence opener), middle (subject-verb split), or end (sentence closer) of a statement. What is an appositive phrase?

3 Why use them? Description and elaboration Sophistication
Paint a picture for the audience Sophistication Appropriate use of appositives are indicative of a sophisticated writer. Why use them?

4 Sentence Opener Appositives
One of the eleven brothers and sisters, Harriet was a moody, willful child. A balding, smooth-faced man, he could have been anywhere between forty and sixty. A short, round boy of seven, he took little interest in troublesome things, preferring to remain on good terms with everyone. Sentence Opener Appositives

5 Subject-Verb Split Appositives
My favorite teacher, a fine chess player in her own right, has won several state- level tournaments. The best exercise, walking briskly, is also the least expensive. Michelle's goal in life, to become an occupational therapist, is within her grasp this year, at last. Subject-Verb Split Appositives

6 Sentence Closer Appositives
The boy looked at them, big black ugly insects. Hour after hour he stood there, silent, motionless, a shadow carved in ebony and moonlight. He had the appearance of a man who had done a great thing, something greater than any ordinary man would do. Sentence Closer Appositives

7 Punctuating Appositives
Sentence Openers Place a comma at the end of the opener A hot-tempered tennis player, Robbie charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor man's skull with a racket. Subject-Verb Split (middle) Surround the appositive with commas Robbie, a hot-tempered tennis player, charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor man's skull with a racket. Punctuating Appositives

8 Punctuating Appositives
Sentence Closers Place a comma before the appositive Upset by the bad call, the crowd cheered Robbie, a hot-tempered tennis player who charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor man's skull with a racket. Punctuating Appositives

9 Guided Practice Group Rotations

10 Killgallon, Don. Sentence Composition for High School
Killgallon, Don. Sentence Composition for High School.Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook Publishers, 1998 Simmons, Robin. “The Appositive.” Web Works Cited

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