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A system of values, norms, knowledge, symbols, and beliefs shared by a society is Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "A system of values, norms, knowledge, symbols, and beliefs shared by a society is Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 A system of values, norms, knowledge, symbols, and beliefs shared by a society is

2 This economic system advocates that the means of production are controlled by the people, as a whole, instead of private individuals. Socialism

3 Which Enlightenment philosopher wrote of the General Will?

4 Who wrote that the foundation of government is the consent of people

5 This economic philosophy, which means let be, advocates for the government to stay out of business
Laissez Faire

6 According to laws of supply and demand, when demand goes up and supply stays the same, prices
Go Up

7 Who stated that when population outgrows the food supply, poverty/misery will continue for the poor

8 Karl Marx stated that there is a class struggle between
Haves and Have Nots Bourgeoisie and Proletariat Middle Class and Workers

9 A self-governing political entity

10 To be an independent state what is necessary?
Defined Borders International Recognition Economic activity People there permanently Government to provide services Transportation system Social Engineering Sovereignty

11 Name the aspects of Capitalism
Free Markets Private Ownership Supply and Demand No Government interference

12 Things considered good or important are called

13 Gestures Words Objects Colors Designs Are all examples of

14 Guidelines we follow in relations to others, or shared standards of desirable behavior are

15 3 examples of Means of Production
Factories Farms Railroads Shipyards

16 Give an example of Folkways

17 Bringing an item from one culture to another is
Cultural Diffusion

18 Define Taboos Prohibitions against the most important mores, or things you really shouldn’t do

19 Define Ethnocentrism belief that other cultures should be judged by the standards of your own

20 A group that rejects the values and norms of larger culture is called

21 _______________ cultures tend to not be as concerned with time and schedules

22 “Father of Capitalism”
Adam Smith

23 ________________ cultures tend to be more bound by schedules

24 The idea that other cultures should not be judged by our standards is called
Cultural Relativism

25 standardized organization of written or spoken symbols

26 Punishments or Rewards

27 Define Subculture People with shared broad traditions but also follow some unique norms and values are

28 Which Religion does not belong?
Judaism Christianity Hinduism Islam

29 Define Cultural Universals
Features common to all cultures, or things you would find in every culture are

30 Norms with the most powerful significance and get a severe reaction if broken are

31 Define Nation A tightly knit group of people which share a common culture

32 Name the aspects of Socialism
Government determines what is produced Government regulation of business Government controls means of production People as a whole control means of production

33 Who came up with the Iron Law of Wages
David Ricardo

34 Polytheism Vedas Reincarnation are all aspects of

35 Define the Iron Law of Wages
working class will not escape poverty because of the cycle of wages and labor force

36 Which religion shares an origin with Hinduism?

37 Term of nature religion

38 Thomas Hobbes’ belief is a strong central government as part of the social contract advocated this type of government Absolute Monarchy

39 This philosopher wrote that the best government is one that separates the powers

40 “the greatest good for the greatest number of people

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