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Creatures in domestic settings

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1 Creatures in domestic settings
mixed media watercolor painting

2 Discussion What kind of media do you think you could use with watercolor? Why do you think an artist would add extra medias to watercolor?


4 Project Description Principle of Design: Emphasis
Contrast of media, contrast of subject matter, position of subject matter Watercolor painting and mixed media Mixed media-the use of a variety of media in art. Oil pastels, markers, tissue paper Must use at least 2 different watercolor techniques Must include a foreground, midground, and background. Must have 1-2 color schemes. Must be mixtures.

5 Rubric Ideas and Thumbnails ___/ 5 Total ___/30 Letter Grade ___
A (5 points) B (4 points) C (3 points) Incomplete (0 points) Craftsmanship Clean and purposeful application of media. Somewhat messy. Paper a bit torn, frayed, or warped. Paper is torn/frayed in some areas. Media is applied messily Very messy. The paper is torn/frayed. Paper is very warped. Media applied very haphazardly. Composition The creature is the main focus of the painting. Picture plane is filled. The picture plane is completely filled. However, the creature is not the main focus. The creature isn’t the main focus of the painting. The picture plane isn’t filled. Majority of the page is blank or filled with negative space. Use of Techniques 2-3 techniques are used. Application is superb. 1-2 techniques are used. Application is a bit messy or incorrect. Only 1 technique is used. Application is messy or incorrect. Techniques aren’t used at all or used poorly. Use of color 1-2 color schemes are apparent. Colors are harmonious. Use of mixtures apparent. 1 color scheme is apparent. Colors are mixed and work somewhat well together. Little evidence of mixed colors. Color choices are random. Random or incomplete application of color. No evidence of mixing colors. Use of mixed media 2-3 other media are used and create emphasis for the creature. 1-2 media are used. Somewhat creates emphasis on the creature. Only 1 media is used but is haphazardly applied. Doesn’t create emphasis on the creature. No mixed media is used. Ideas and Thumbnails ___/ 5 Total ___/30 Letter Grade ___

6 Background- the part of a scene or picture that is farthest from the viewer
Midground- part of the picture between the foreground and background. Foreground-the part of a view that is nearest to the observer, esp. in a picture or photograph. Focal figure


8 Surrealism a 20th-century art form in which an artist or writer combines unrelated images or events in a very strange and dreamlike way Juxtaposition-the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. Surrealism and juxtaposition art play with scale and emphasis, making the relationship between objects unusual and out of normal scale.




12 Dragon

13 Griffin

14 Hippogriff

15 Chimera

16 Harpie

17 Manticore

18 Minotaur

19 Centaur

20 Centaur

21 Mermaid

22 Pegasus or Unicorn

23 Phoenix

24 Sphinx

25 Hippocampi

26 Hydra

27 Cerebus

28 Cyclops

29 Fairy





34 Domestic Settings and Actions
Napping, Reading, Sewing, watching tv Washing dishes, raiding fridge, cooking Sleeping, playing on laptop, on the phone Brushing teeth, washing face Eating, playing cards, setting the table Working on car, working with tools, Driving, listening to music, Mowing lawn, playing games, Planting flowers, weeding, watering Bouncing, playing games Washing Napping, talking with a friend, Swinging, playing a game, climbing Jogging, walking, playing street hockey, hopscotch Living Room Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom Dining Room Garage Car Yard Garden Trampoline Birdbath Front porch-swing Playground Residential street

35 Brainstorm Brainstorm ideas for 5 different mythological creatures in 5 different settings. Make 3 thumbnail sketches of the best ideas in your sketchbook. Choose one of these sketches as your best idea. Use reference materials to create a full-scale 9”x12” plan of your finished painting. Decide on 1-2 color schemes. Decide on 2-3 watercolor techniques.

36 Directions Approve plans with teacher before transferring to watercolor paper Mythological creatures must be a focal point. Must have planned 1-2 color schemes and know where each color will be used in the painting. Must have planned 2-3 watercolor techniques and know where each technique will be used in the painting. Draw a 1” border on your watercolor paper. Transfer your drawing to the watercolor paper.

37 Directions (cont.) Paint background. Paint midground. Paint creature.
Add mixed media to creature. Remember to sign your painting in the right hand corner!

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