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Water Health The health of a water system is determined by the balance between physical, chemical, and biologic variables. When water is safe to drink,

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Presentation on theme: "Water Health The health of a water system is determined by the balance between physical, chemical, and biologic variables. When water is safe to drink,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Water Health The health of a water system is determined by the balance between physical, chemical, and biologic variables. When water is safe to drink, it is called potable water.

3 Water Pollution Surface water can be polluted by waste from cities, factories, and farms. Water can become so polluted that it can no longer be used or can even be DEADLY Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

4 Types of Pollution Pollution that comes from 1 specific site is called point-source pollution 1 car in the parking lot Emissions from industrial plant Nonpoint-source pollution is pollution that comes from many sources A parking lot full of cars Urban runoff Construction Forestry Go outside and show examples HARDEST TO CONTROL

5 Your Article Requirements
Highlight important information (10 pts) Write notes in the margins (10 pts) Padlet Discussion Board (#1 & # pts each)

6 Padlet Discussion 1. What is the main idea of this article?
Use details from the text to support your answer. Example: According to the text, the main idea of this article is that renewable energy is better for our environment. Paragraph 4 supports this idea when it says "wind, solar, and hydro-electrical energy has increased the value of our homes, without causing harm to surrounding ecosystems.“ What is one thing that you learned while reading this article? Be specific, and use details in your description. One thing that I learned while reading this article, is that solar energy brings in two times as much energy than wind and hydro-electrical energy combined. This is supported by the graph in paragraph 2.

7 Water Health Article Grading
Highlighted – 10 pts Notes in margins – 10 pts Main idea – 25pts 1 thing you learned – 25 pts 2 thoughtful comments – 15 pts each

8 I agree with _____ because…. I want to add on to what ___said….
Sharing your Thinking Good idea because…. I agree with _____ because…. I want to add on to what ___said…. I like _______ point because…. I also want to share…. If you look at what the text says….. I infer that….because…. My idea was that….because… I predict that….because…. My thinking was that…..because…. I like that opinion because….  Disagreeing Respectfully I disagree with ____ because…. I don’t agree with that idea because the text says….. I have another idea…. I have a different perspective because…. When I thought about it, I thought that…. My thinking was different because….. Asking Clarifying Questions Can you give evidence from the text that supports that? Do you have another idea? Can you make that more clear to me please? What did you mean when you said….? Can you clarify your reasoning?

9 Physical Variables of Water Health
1. Temperature The temperature of water in rivers and lakes determines the kinds of organisms that can survive there. Cold water = more oxygen Warm water = less oxygen Warmer water dissolves more solid substances but dissolves less of important gases (DO, and CO2) What are some ways that the temp of a river can increase? Power plants, using lakes and rivers as a cooling agent. Lake Julian

10 Nuclear Power Plants use cooling lakes, which increases the temperature of the water

11 Physical Variables of Water Health
2. Turbidity - is a measure of how clear water is. The more suspended solids are in the water, the higher the turbidity The higher the turbidity, the poorer the water quality


13 Chemical Variables of Water Health
1. pH – is a measure of how acidic or basic something is 7 is neutral < 7 is acidic > 7 is basic

14 Chemical Variables of Water Health
2. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) - Oxygen that is dissolved in water The O2 molecules are mixed with the H2O molecules All organisms use DO

15 Chemical Variables of Water Health
How DO gets in the Water naturally through diffusion with the oxygen in the air

16 WATCH THIS VIDEO https://www. youtube. com/watch

17 Chemical Variables of Water Health
How DO gets in the Water byproduct of photosynthesis

18 Cold water = more DO Warm water = less DO
Trout, salmon. Bass, catfish

19 Chemical Variables of Water Health
Levels of DO Levels of DO can predict health of the water Pollutants (sewage, fertilizer, runoff, animal waste) can decrease DO levels Since all organisms use DO, it is a good indicator of the “health” of the stream or lake.

20 Chemical Variables of Water Health
3. Nitrates and Phosphates are natural occurring compounds Small amounts of these compounds in water are natural However, elevated levels can be harmful to organisms and humans Higher levels = more plants and more algae bloom

21 Chemical Variables of Water Health
Sources of Nitrates and Phosphates Runoff contaminated with fertilizers Septic tank leakage Sewage Enter waterways from human and animal waste laundry Cleaning supplies PANA/OS Phosphates and nitrates = algae which blocks out oxygen and sunlight


23 PANA/OS Phosphates and nitrates = algae which blocks out oxygen and sunlight

24 Biologic Variables of Water Health
The presence, condition, and numbers of the types of fish, insects, algae plants and other aquatic life provide accurate information about the health of water.


26 Watch this video!

27 What you can work on: Have you finished your Padlet Discussion? (1st period – was due Friday. 4th Period – DUE TODAY) Study Island #6 due Friday by 3:00 p.m. Study for your quiz (Thursday) Organize your Notebook (Friday)

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