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Public hearing European Economic and Social Committee

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1 Public hearing European Economic and Social Committee
The European Pillar of Social Rights – Evaluation of the initial implementation and recommendations for the future Public hearing European Economic and Social Committee Brussels, 28 March 2019 Sebastiano Sabato, European Social Observatory

2 Implementation of the Pillar
Through legislation and social dialogue Through EU funding (MFF 2021 – 2027) Through the European Semester

3 Implementation of the Pillar in the European Semester 2018
Annual Growth Survey 2018 Follows structure of EPSR, but not all the principles taken into consideration Joint Employment Report 2018 Revised Employment Guidelines inspired by EPSR Principles Headline indicators of the Social Scoreboard used Country reports 2018 The EPSR informs the analysis

4 Implementation of the Pillar in the European Semester 2018
The CSRs 2018 Share of ‘social CSRs’ over total CSRs (quantitative analysis)

5 Implementation of the Pillar in the European Semester 2018
Social CSRs by ‘policy orientation’ (qualitative analysis)

6 Implementation of the Pillar in the European Semester 2018
Two conclusions Since 2014 the European Semester is ‘more social’ Evolution 2017 – 2018: Pillar effect

7 Limitations ‘constrained socialisation’ of the Semester
‘the Pillar should be implemented according to available resources and within the limits of sound budgetary management and Treaty obligations governing public finances’ (European Commission, 2017) ‘constrained socialisation’ of the Semester The need of policy coherence (economic, fiscal and social messages from the Semester)

8 Progressive socialisation of the European Semester Pillar effect
Summing up Progressive socialisation of the European Semester Pillar effect But implementation of the EPSR in the Member States risks to be limited by Fiscal constraints Limited policy coherence

9 Thank you for your attention!

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