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Field evaluation: methods and application,

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1 Field evaluation: methods and application,
“Village Royale” Francis Wenban-Smith Heritage in Practice CPD course Birkbeck, University of London 15th September 2017 CAHO-Contracting Palaeolithic pre-construction archaeology Department of Archaeology

2 Introduction Goals Approaches Method options
CAHO- Contracting Goals Approaches Method options Geotechnical monitoring, or “let someone else do the work” Worked examples, case studies 1 and 2

3 Goals Establishing presence/importance Selecting appropriate methods
CAHO- Contracting Goals Establishing presence/importance Selecting appropriate methods Resolving uncertainty Grades of importance Appropriate subsequent actions

4 Approaches Choose methods Phases of evaluation? Non-invasive methods
CAHO- Contracting Approaches Choose methods Phases of evaluation? - preliminary window- samples? - follow-up test pits? Non-invasive methods Geo-technical piggy-backing

5 CAHO- Contracting Geotechnical - ERT

6 CAHO- Contracting Window-samples Xxxx

7 CAHO- Contracting Boreholes

8 CAHO- Contracting Test pits: a - digging

9 b - sieving for Palaeolithic remains
CAHO- Contracting Test pits: b - sieving for Palaeolithic remains

10 Geotechnical monitoring
CAHO- Contracting Geotechnical monitoring

11 - geo overlay + PCAs layout
CAHO- Contracting Case-study 1, PCAs: - geo overlay + PCAs layout

12 CAHO- Contracting Case-study 1, M25 J2: DBA output 4, evaluation

13 Case-study 2, Village Royale: - geo overlay + PCAs layout
CAHO- Contracting Case-study 2, Village Royale: - geo overlay + PCAs layout

14 Case-study 2, Village Royale : - find the elephant..
CAHO- Contracting .. and the Late Upper Palaeolithic knapping scatter .. and the undisturbed Clactonian landsurface .. and the Boyn Hill bankside Acheulian occupation area .. and the Hoxnian lake

15 Case-study 2, Village Royale: DBA output 4, evaluation
CAHO- Contracting Case-study 2, Village Royale: DBA output 4, evaluation

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