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ctcLink Steering Committee

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1 ctcLink Steering Committee
June 4, 2019 Choi Halladay - ctcLink Steering Committee Chair, Vice President for Administrative Services, Pierce College District Christy Campbell – ctcLink Project Director

2 AGENDA Item Description Duration Facilitator 1. Welcome Christy 2.
Christy 2. Approval of Minutes 1 Minute Choi 3. Proposed Amendments to SC Charter – Action Item 20 Minutes All 4. Chart of Accounts Go/No-Go Decision at June 18 SC meeting Update on Chart of Accounts Implementation Schedule Discuss process and any materials needed for 6/18 meeting 15 Minutes 6. Remediation Update (Including Replacement Solutions) Remediation Overview (CCS, TCC Updates) CampusCE Contract Update on request to the colleges for CE metrics Next Steps Online Admissions Application Feedback from discussion with WSSSC Chair – Choi Next Steps – Dennis/Christy/All Security Redesign – Mapping Accessibility RFP Update Budgeting Tool 30 Minutes 8. ctcLink Program Status Deployment Group 2 (UAT Training/Testing, Security Mapping) Deployment Group 3 (BPFG complete, Data Validation) Deployment Group 4 (Initiation; Peer Review in July) Deployment Group 5 (Initiation Phase prep visits in June) 9.  Action Items Review and Agenda Items for Future Meetings 4 Minutes 10. Meeting Closure

3 Meeting Minutes – Approval
May 21, 2019

4 Steering committee Charter: proposed amendments (in red text)
Committee Composition: Voting Members subsection: Six college Executive Sponsors: The senior college executive assigned to ctcLink oversight (selected, for minimum two years, can be staggered terms) Committee Composition: Non-voting Members subsection: Two college project managers or ctcLink functional/business analysts (selected, for minimum two years, can be staggered terms) Addition to Committee Member Selection section: An individual may only serve as a voting member at one level of ctcLink governance; however, the individual may participate concurrently as a non-voting member at other levels of ctcLink governance.

5 Chart of accounts go/no-go decision
Update on Implementation Schedule Overview of decision process Information/materials needed for June 18 decision discussion?

6 Pilot remediation overview & status
Date Total Open Items Open Items With a Plan to Complete (Appendix A) Open Items Needing a Replacement Solution (Appendix A) Open Items That Were Closed, but Reopened in Remediation Agreement (Appendix B) 2016, 2017, 2018 Financial Books Close and Reconciliation Framework Continuing Education Online Admissions Budget Planning Financial Aid Customizations 11/29/17 195 101 10 84 12/13/18 41 29 2 4/01/19* 22 11 1 *FirstLink (pilot) colleges are validating open and closed items/numbers

7 ctcLink Remediation Status Reports – May 13 to May 24, 2019
Solution Status Due Date Campus Solutions 10 of 45 remain open DG3 Financial Management 5 of 39 remain open DG2 Human Capital Management 6 of 25 remain open Faculty Workload Complete March 2019 DRS Redistribution May 2019 Absence Management April 2019 Security Audit Controls Security Redesign Mapping Framework FLC / DG2 Student Billing/Third-Party Billing In UAT Budget Planning Form Work Group Jan 2020 Online Admissions App Governance Continuing Education Vendor Negotiations Chart of Accounts (revised) Due/Finish Status Tacoma CC Chart of Accounts Adoption Kickoff Dec. 12, 2018 Complete CCs of Spokane Chart of Accounts Adoption Kickoff Feb. 1, 2019 Foundational Chartfield Configuration March 22, 2019 College Configuration Review and Updates May 3, 2019 Functional and System Integration Testing May 10, 2019 User Acceptance Testing May 10 - June 3, 2019 May 28 – June 14, 2019 In Progress College Readiness Gate / Go-No Go Discussions June 12-14, 2019 Not Started Readiness Gate / Go-No Go Decision June 18, 2019 Production Cutover July 2019 Community Colleges of Spokane R Remediation Items progress this period Student Statements – Pending 2nd SIT/UAT – Passed, ready for Production. Need to validate in production before checking off. Security Audit Controls – In progress. SBCTC preparing for removing old queries. Bank Statement security fix to be addressed with DG 2 release (Oct 2019). Accurate Reporting for DRS & PEBB – Passed UAT, pending actual availability in Production. Third Party billing – Pending SIT/UAT. Failed 5/21 UAT. Pending fix in test environment. FY Close – see previous slides. Book to Bank - Cash Reconciliation. Focus now is on reconciliating the three cash accounts making up our $18 million dollar variance (same accounts for TCC). Received one T-Account; pending analysis for six key accounts. *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Remediation Conditions. Student statements 2nd UAT passed; ready for Production. DRS passed UAT, implementation date TBD. Absence management passed UAT, but CCS validating some incorrect calculations. Third party billing failed UAT 5/ open remediation tickets. FY 16, 17, & 18. CCS continues to reconcile journal entry adjustments. CCS cannot close FY 16, 17, & 18 until cash reconciliation is completed for , , & (large variances in these accounts for CCS and TCC). Pending detailed T-Accounts and transaction process flow for these accounts. Need closing rules for 16, 17, & 18. One T-account analysis done (balanced, no variance found). 6 key/high volume accounts pending open remediation tickets. Security Role Redesign – Delayed rollout continues. CCS now saying UAT mapping/testing may happen late July/early Aug. Pending rollout of auditing reporting and separation of duties. Tacoma Community College G Remediation Items progress this period See SBCTC status update for Remediation items, tickets, and worklist. Received responses to TCC’s December 2018 remediation response, however TCC’s feedback did not seem to be acted upon. Planned for next period Receive remediation detail with responses based on December 2018 feedback Planned, but not completed *If status is yellow or red, describe why. 7

8 Replacement Solutions
Continuing Education – Contract Progress Accessibility – RFP Status Budget Planning Sub Group – Request to BAR Online Admissions Application - Recommendation

9 Online Admissions Application (OAA) request from wsssc
“The Student Services Commission (WSSSC) is asking that we move forward with a formal RFP process that will seek to identify vendors who might provide an online admissions application that more fully addresses the 45 prioritized criteria defined by the OAA Workgroup. Ultimately, we felt that the options that emerged from the initial research, as well as the “quick fixes” did not sufficiently address the needs identified by the Workgroup and affirmed by the Commission.”  ~ Matt Campbell, president, Washington State Student Services Commission, May 16, 2019

10 Top Risks Reported – as of May 24, 2019
LEGEND: Critical High Moderate Low C H L M Risk Level Risk Description Mitigating Actions Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Risk Owner (s) H Chart of Accounts (CoA): User adoption and successful deployment (scheduled for July 1, 2019) is critical for Deployment Group 2 (DG2) timeline. Update: ctcLink has shifted resources to focus on CoA. Spokane engagement is strong. Emmett met with TCC SMEs on 5/24/2019 to gauge engagement level and support needed. UAT begins week of 5/28/2019. *Refer to CoA milestones tracking in this report. Emmett Folk, ctcLink PM for FIN & HCM Team DG2 Impacted, Risk Date:10/12/2018 *also Risk submitted by Matt Connelly, Spokane District PM on 10/23/18 Emmett Folk C SBCTC: Risk of resource diversion due to CoA adoption. Combination editing rules will be revised in tandem with additional chartfield use. Impacts FirstLink Colleges’ (FLCs) ability to post many transactions prior to effective date. Cutover is planned to complete on 7/22/2019. If this happens, requires manual or automated workarounds to correct issues as they occur; will require SBCTC staff resources to support. If manual work is required, SBCTC Agency go-live activities could be impacted by the diversion of SBCTC staff resource. SBCTC researching all potentially impacted areas to test what could happen and determine mitigation steps. Evelyn Williams DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 5/3/2019 Emmett Folk, Christyanna Dawson Clark: Impact to college Continuing Education (CE) program. seems likely Clark will start with OSECE and possibly move to CampusCE. Decisions are dependent on cost for CampusCE, support for OSECE and impact to students. Update: ctcLink team met to discuss options for OSECE and CampusCE. Preparing to deploy OSECE and waiting on vendor contract negotiations. CampusCE request for enrollment information sent to campus Continuing/Corporate Education directors. PMs were asked to follow up locally with their CE directors to help meet June 1 deadline. Susan Maxwell, Clark PM DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 3/15/2019 John Henry Whatley, Dennis Colgan Top Issues Reported – as of May 24, 2019 LEGEND: High Moderate Low H M L Issue Level Issue Description Status Update Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Issue Owner (s) H Security Mapping activities to mitigate UAT timeline, have not addressed the new Security Design Production user access. Update: The ctcLink team is highly concerned about the Production Security Mapping for DG2 Colleges and entering new Security into one of the UAT cycles.  Although there are no other options due to the schedule, this will be a challenge for the DG Colleges and SB as well as potential impact to the remaining UAT cycles.  ctcLink PMO submitted for ctcLink CS, HCM, FIN Team DG2 Impacted, Issue Date: 4/16/2019 Tara Keen, Security Team DG3 Cycle 2 Student Financials (SF) Conversion – Configuration was not accurate or completed to execute conversion as of 5/20/19. SF will attempt to update and complete configuration, execute conversion 5/30/19 with SF Functional validation thereafter. College validation impact can be minimized or not impacted at all (college validation dates 6/12-7/2/19). John Henry Whatley, ctcLink PM for CS Team DG3 Impacted, Issue Date: 5/23/19 Chandan Goel & John Henry Whatley 10

11 Y ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard Overall Status
Moran Technology Consulting Report: April 2019 Overall Status Y ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard - Moran Technology Consulting , November 2018 STATUS PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION / NOTES G SBCTC/Governance Governance framework continues to work as expected. Meetings are held according to schedule, with materials distributed beforehand, and decisions made at the appropriate level. Project Management Project Management Office (PMO) is fully staffed, working well together and continuing to address improvements in project management processes. Y Phase Scope QA remains concerned about the number of solutions to be re-implemented to replace/augment current PS functionality and that timing and resource availability could negatively impact DG2/DG3 scope and schedule.  Schedule Status DG2/DG3/DG4 schedule overlap and resource constraints directly impact all deployment groups. Schedule compression and key project resources are heavily allocated to multiple DG2 workstreams and supporting DG3 tasks.  Training This work stream is yellow, but is trending green due to the decisions and actions taken by PMO which have enabled recovery of this key workstream. DG2 success dependent on active end-user participation, assessments and college follow-up. Testing This work stream is yellow, but trending green due to changes made by the PMO.  DG2 UAT Sprints supported by training materials began in April and run through August.  DG2 testing workstream remains a concerns since it relies heavily on availability and expertise of functional project staff. Configurations / Data Conversion Technical work for DG2 System Configurations and Data Conversion Cycle 4 continues with good results reported. QA considers it an important achievement that Clark College is now live in the ctcLink Production Environment with user maintenance of their course catalog. Organizational Change Management (OCM) PMO/OCM is actively engaged with all colleges now involved with their Deployment Groups. QA concerned that PMO focus remains on the DG2 schedule. Project Staffing Project staffing is adequate at this time and continues to make staffing adjustments as appropriate. QA and the PMO remain concerned that the overlap of DG2/DG3/DG4 may require additional project and contractor resources. Project leadership and staff morale is positive given schedule pressures.  PMO is recruiting for seven open positions.  Technical Environment Future PS updates/bundles and third-party software installation and support work is being managed by the IT Division outside of the project responsibility. Overall planning of these changes needs to be tightly integrated with the ctcLink DG2/DG3/DG4 schedules. This becomes more challenging with the overlap in implementation schedules. Draft SLA agreement has been distributed to the colleges. LEGEND GREEN YELLOW RED Risk Description: Low risks may be encountered. NO immediate action needed Moderate risks may be encountered. Serious deficiency and action item recommended. High risks may be encountered. Needs to be escalated and can impact project effort or cost. 11

12 Ctclink program status
Deployment Group 2 (UAT Training/Testing, Security Mapping, End User Training Build, Deployment) Deployment Group 3 (BPFGs Complete, Data Validation) Deployment Group 4 (Initiation/Reporting) Deployment Group 5 (June Visits/Reporting/Initiation) Deployment Group 6 (Fall Visits, Initiation Schedule)

13 Project Overall Status – May 13-24, 2019
Program is on track, per timeline, scope and budget Security Mapping activities impacting UAT Current DG2 Schedule has no “Float” remaining in timeline Scope Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) needs to be updated to validate original RFP requirements have been implemented, tested, and end users trained on the processes and functionality Schedule Monitoring scope and timing of: Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Physical Assets and OBIA implementations Budget G Currently tracking under budget New Technology Plan approved as well as Stage Gate #3 for OFM/OCIO Technology Pool funding Executive Summary The project is tracking per schedule and under budget. Review and definition of scope for each deployment continues due to the rework of key solutions. Each Deployment Group (DG) is now engaged and all colleges now have an Initiation or Implementation Work Plan in place: DG2 is in the Construct Phase. Colleges and SBCTC are engaged in User Acceptance Testing sprints – training in the morning, testing in the afternoon. ctcLink governance approved the DG2 Go-Live schedule. ctcLink will be offline for the upgrade Oct and again for cutover activities Oct   DG3 is in the Structure Phase and recently completed Business Process Fit/Gap sessions. DG4 is in the Initiation Phase, with most colleges just past the halfway mark on deliverables. Gate 1 Peer Review will be in late July. DG5 colleges have begun Initiation Phase and are learning the public status reporting process. DG6 has begun the initiation phase and will start the public reporting process this fall. The new Chart of Accounts is scheduled to be implemented in July for Spokane and Tacoma, following a go/no-go governance decision process in June. Final contract negotiations continue for a new Continuing Education solution. The Online Admissions Application (OAA) work group is actively pursuing an OAA replacement. The Budget Planning Tool work group is reviewing and finalizing business and technical requirements. Overall Status Summary per Deployment Group DG# PMO- Reported Status Comments College/ Agency Self-Reported Status DG2 Y Security Production Mapping is still pending Clark SBCTC G Spokane R Tacoma DG3 BPFG Workshops Complete Conversion cycles have begun Cascadia LCC Olympic Peninsula Pierce DG4 College teams working on Initiation Phase activities Implementation reporting begins Nov. 2019 DG5 Implementation reporting begins March 2020 DG6 Implementation reporting begins Nov 2020 13

14 Additional Discussion

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