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Studies in the Book of Nehemiah

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1 Studies in the Book of Nehemiah
A Time to Build Studies in the Book of Nehemiah

2 Opposition Within and Without
Nehemiah 4 Nehemiah 5 Nehemiah 6 Opposition Without Opposition Within 1. Mockery and Criticism (4:1-3) 1. Usury and Oppression (5:1-5) 1. Compromise (6:1-4) 2. Conspiracy and Open Warfare (4:7-11) 2. False Rumors (6:5-9) 3. False Advice (6:10-14) 4. False Friendships (6:17-19)

3 Fruits of Opposition Loss of strength, vision, confidence, and security (4:10-11) Depression (5:1) Stop working (6:3; 4:11) Sin and Reproach (6:13) Fear (6:9,13,19)

4 Fruits of Opposition Close association with the enemy…
Tobiah associated with Meshullam (6:18) Tobiah allied with Eliashib (13:4) Sanballat associated with Eliashib (13:28)

5 Facing Opposition Resolve and prayer (4:4-7,9,14-15)
Reform and prayer (5:6-13) Responsibility and prayer (5:14-19) Refusal and prayer (6:3,8,11,14)

6 Opposition from Within
Division (1 Cor. 1:10ff) Immorality (1 Cor. 5:1ff) Opinions (1 Cor. 8-10; Rom. 14) Strife (Gal. 5:13-15,20) Murmuring (Phil. 2:14)

7 Opposition from Within
Fellowship with sin (2 Cor. 6:14ff; Eph. 5:11) Itching ears (1 Tim. 4:2-4) Apostasy (Heb. 2:12-13) Uncommitted (Rev. 2:4; 3:1; 3:16) False teaching (Rev. 2:12ff)

8 Opposition from Without
Ridicule (Mt. 5:11-12; 1 Pet. 4:4,16) Persecution (Acts 4-5,6-8,12-14, etc.) Warfare (Eph. 6:10ff; Phil. 1:16,27) Worldliness (Rom. 12:2; 2 Tim. 4:10; Jas. 4:4)

9 Opposition from Without
Uncertainty (1 Jn. 2:21,26; 5:13) Competing religions Pluralism (Mt. 7:21) Man-made doctrines (Acts 15,17; Col. 2:16-23)

10 Lessons Learned When faced with opposition…
Press forward (1 Cor. 15:58; Gal. 6:9) Plan your work (Acts 18:21; Rom. 15:22-29) Prioritize your efforts (Mt. 6:33) Position yourself away from enemies (Eph. 5:11) Pray to God always (1 Thess. 5:18)

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